No Bonus share issue and interim dividend, life still goes on

Never mind, just wait for 3Q2013 where "The Laurels" project will be obtaining TOP. There are 5Q from 3Q12 to 3Q13, approximately S$373 million of the revenue will be recognized and each Q works out around S$ 93 million. Another little piece of good news since "The laurels" is approximately 96% sold, there is 1 or 2 units of "The Laurels" sold during July 2013 period.
The following is extracted from the Financial Report:
As at the date of this announcement, approximately 96% of the units in The Laurels project have been
sold, amounting to contracted sales value of about S$677.6 million. Of this, approximately 45% has
been recognised as revenue and the balance will be progressively recognised from 3Q2012 to 3Q2013.
The Group targets to obtain Temporary Occupation Permit for this development by 3Q2013.$file/SHL_2Q2012.pdf?openelement