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fibonnaci got one level at 22 break next level is 295. But base on previous high of 23 then i think it shld break 23, b4 cheong to 29 295 level. next level being 36 n 42. but abit far stretch.
I wouldnt read too much into the rapid share price rise. Its just not back by fundamentals. Its simply a rising tide is lifting all boats. The market is usually forward looking. So hopefully, the subsequent quarters we can see good numbers in Hupsteel. So far, KepCorp and one other oil/gas/marine stock (i forgot its name) reported lower activites in that industry and that does not bode well for Hup.
bibi, i am a pure fundamental man. but sometimes, TA got reasoning one. i use TA to buy/sell my shares cos i know quite for sure i can load/unload thousands of lots.
yes do agree rising tide n floating boats. Fundamental is important ultimately its the one to truly determine their true value. TA is nothing but an art no science. But if no one participate n no one trade it, no volume then it wont realise till the volumes comes in.

Alot of ppl is based on chart to buy. No vol no rising no gd TA chart no one play. then we have to wait to cow come home. Actually looking at other competitors i find their biz increasing.. so might not be too bad for hupsteel.

anw to add it i buy it base on fundamentals more then TA.
I am not vested in Hupsteel because I already have a significant stake in another steel company, but I still want to congratulate SH of Hupsteel. Hopefully this run up will attract the attention of investors and lift the other boats in the steel business Smile
(28-01-2013, 12:21 PM)Bibi Wrote: So far, KepCorp and one other oil/gas/marine stock (i forgot its name) reported lower activites in that industry and that does not bode well for Hup.
Funny, the link shows more oil rigs and shipbuilding activities but KepCorp latest quarter results say a different thing. Is this the reason it went up today?
(28-01-2013, 12:39 PM)Ben Wrote: I am not vested in Hupsteel because I already have a significant stake in another steel company, but I still want to congratulate SH of Hupsteel. Hopefully this run up will attract the attention of investors and lift the other boats in the steel business Smile

i also got quite a lot of shares in asiaent. the dividends feeding my hupsteel buys. i think asiaent is also a gd co but nothing much to unlock. just gia lui.

with 16% run up in half a day, is some good news coming out? anyone any idea?
donnoe but seems like breaking up liao. think will see 29 295 in very short term. 36 looks possible. Base on TA
Hopefully, the steel industry improves this year along with the global economy.

On a side note, I bought this counter early this year after looking at paullow's posts and my own calculations. Pleasantly pleased as this is my first stock purchase.
glad i helped someone make money. happy cny!

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