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sorry guys, I apologies for not being sensitive...
(14-01-2013, 07:02 PM)chialc Wrote: sorry guys, I apologies for not being sensitive...

ok. apologies accepted.

i am a professional by.occupation and i.would not resort to such underhand means to gain personal advantage. my stock portfolio is in 7figure range and i dun believe in making a fast buck by spreading news which are untrue. anyway, i trust u guys will also do ur own research n not take what's in the forum as gospal truth rite?
With the latest measures (and more on way), would a property-oriented counter be a danger now?
imo, i think if u invest for long term n buy undervalued counters, u have already limited some of ur downside. but dun expect fantastic returns cos i think garmens plan is to ppty prices to rise slowly if any. shd they rise out of proportion to economic recovery, they will show their whip again.

garmen would not want to cool and kill the ppty market hopes totally cos that would affect all parts of the food chain with disastrous consequences from the banks' bosses down to the foreign labourers.
they just want to control the prices.
solid being selling for 2 to 3 weeks time n still selling, power.. power of 500 lot
but not everyday manage to sell all 500lots. shows that he's not in hurry to sell but just wants to sell at market price.
ya today break .19
yes. market healthy yet he's selling. or maybe he got found some better use of his money?
I just grab 200. Seller from Nomura.
ya its the same seller.

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