(15-05-2012, 09:19 PM)Temperament Wrote: Well, Singapore is only a little RED DOT which it really is. Before something like "Occupy Wall Street" or the worst case like "Arab Spring" can happen here, many "Red Indian Chiefs" will be detained without ever being charged in court. In other words no "Red Indian Chiefs" no change is expected. Also as long as "OLD MAN" is still around, i don't see any split in the Papys. We just have to wait and see how the 60 % will vote this time in 2016 GE. But really what's the problem? The Elitists as a group has been so rich all these years that they can live anywhere in the world. What's the fuss? What's the problem? You have the problems not me, O. K.

Except there weren't so blatant divsion of social ladders in the past 50 yrs of Singapore history except the last decade.
You are so right in that the elitists as a group can live anywhere in the world and thus, bring their capital along.
Therefore, any tripping point erupting here have a potential for a big spark that leads to the end of the economic miracle.
(Witness the Arab Spring that was sparked from a fruit seller being beaten in Tunisia.)
I absolutely disagree with the current policies of bringing in more and more FTs. Trying to show us how Japan would be like in 100 yrs, etc etc is just part of mass media propoganda.
The root is few citizens would like to give birth more nowadays. Tacking the long working hours, high childcare costs, unfavourable repurcussions to working females if pregnant, are some of the most crticial concerns to be resolve.
I dislike ppl arguing that if you are so smart, why dun you go tackle the problem. My counter argument: If we pay each of them more than the United States of America President, I would want my money worth. Too bad, I am a typical Singaporean who wants my money worth.
All these will also affect whichever positions anyone of you hold in Singapore counters, includinglocal properties. Demographics affect GDP productivity.
Higher proportional of older ppl therefore leading to short-term solutions of importing more and more working FTs will not work in long run.
And I yet to even touch on old Emperor demise.. which is a big unknown, given our country's political "maturity".
Investors who wants to invest in foreign shores, regardless stocks, bizs, or properties look for few things:
1. Potential to grow from developing to developed. (eg. Africa, CIVETs)
2. Rule of law and property rights to their investments. No greasing of hands, ie corruption. (eg. Singapore.)
3. Political maturity (eg. England, USA, Korea, Taiwan)
4. Ease of withdrawal of captial and transfer of capital, plus (a BIG PLUS) capital gain tax.
5. Ease of investing in biz, properties (eg. Singapore for foreginers)
5. No war, or geographical volatility, inclusive of revolutions, riots.