AGMs on the same day

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(14-04-2012, 04:04 PM)RBM Wrote: Good, useful and new thread this one,

Another thing I have noticed this year is the delayed issue of Annual Reports, squeezing the time for shareholders to review the Annual Report before the AGM. This is important when so many AGM's are crammed into such a short space of time, as this thread so clearly brings out. I am one of those fuddy-duddies who feels a compelling need to review an Annual Report before attending an AGM. Two examples, if I may.............

BreadTalk has its AGM on 25th April, yet today - 14th April, 11 (eleven) days before the AGM - the 2011 Annual Report is not yet posted on the SGX website or its own website.

Q&M Dental has its AGM on 26th April - its Annual Report was posted earlier today, 14th April - 12 days before the AGM. Hallelujah!

I have Chaired listed companies before - I made darn sure the Annual Report was posted out at least three weeks before the AGM - I believed I owed this to the Company's shareholders. In two countries I worked, the minimum time between Annual Report issue and the AGM was mandated by Company Law. And BreadTalk and Q&M would have been clobberred by either the Exchange or the Regulator in either of those two countries.

I apologise if this sounds like a winge. Sorry. And I realise that many Singapore print shops have been working into the wee hours over the last week or so on annual reports ............. but I believe that some companies owe their shareholders a little bit more respect.

One mention of commendation - "boring" but highly diligent litle Zagro sent to its shareholders their annual report in CD form a full 4+ weeks before their AGM.

Vested in BreadTalk & Q&M.......... and Zagro.

I believe that if your name was in the share registrar, you should have received your copy for Breadtalk quite long ago. You should call to ask them.
Thank you FFNow and Freedom - appreciated,

My mistake on the BreadTalk AR - I had not realised companies were not obliged to post their AR's on either the SGX website and/or on their own website. I am very surprised that SGX's disclosure "policies" have such a gaping hole and I 100% agree with you that the posting of AGM minutes (and AR's) on the SGX's website should be made compulsory. I have yet to receive my BreadTalk 2011 AR - I'll send them a little message as you suggest - I have received the other annual reports I was expecting.

Thanks again.

(14-04-2012, 05:39 PM)FFNow Wrote: I think SGX should make it compulsory for listed companies to release AGM minutes in the SGX portal/company website.

[quote='RBM' pid='22674' dateline='1334390674']

BreadTalk has its AGM on 25th April, yet today - 14th April, 11 (eleven) days before the AGM - the 2011 Annual Report is not yet posted on the SGX website or its own website.

My household received the Breadtalk Annual Report on 12th April.
RBM, Retired Botanic MatSalleh
(14-04-2012, 06:23 PM)RBM Wrote: I have yet to receive my BreadTalk 2011 AR - I'll send them a little message as you suggest - I have received the other annual reports I was expecting.

It happened to me last year with two companies. I didn't receive their Annual Reports at all and had to personally email the IR to ask them to send it to me.

Also, there was another instance when a GO was done for a ex-listed company I owned but I didn't receive any notifications even close to the acceptance due date. I had to travel all the way to CDP office at SGX building and sign the acceptance form.

I still wonder how these can happen, especially the latter. Thus, nowadays I make it a point to check if my dividends are banked into my bank account promptly on Payable Date.
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(14-04-2012, 03:11 PM)freedom Wrote: IC is sufficient only if your name is included in the share registrar.

if share are bought through CPF or brokerage account like Standard Chartered, your name would not be in the share registrar.

Alternatively, you can attend as observer, but can't vote. I believe still can ask questions.

Cannot talk or address the meeting at all. But you can ask questions after the meeting has been declared closed.
(14-04-2012, 05:39 PM)FFNow Wrote: You can toggle to the Singapore version at the top right-hand corner. The URL is at for those who are lazy to do so Tongue

holy moly... how did i miss that! Big Grin
Just wondering aloud whether someone who become a shareholder after the AR has been sent out will be allowed to attend the agm?
What happen if u receive the AR, then sold all the shares and try to attend the agm?
The attendee will be checked against the share register on which date?
(15-04-2012, 08:04 AM)wsreader Wrote: Just wondering aloud whether someone who become a shareholder after the AR has been sent out will be allowed to attend the agm?
What happen if u receive the AR, then sold all the shares and try to attend the agm?
The attendee will be checked against the share register on which date?

I believe it is T+3, so if you sold your shares before T+3, then you cannot attend the AGM as they will print out the register one day before the AGM to check against the shareholder listing.

But if you sell within T+3, your name will still be reflected in the shareholder listing and therefore you can technically attend even though you are not a shareholder.
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As long as your name appears on the shareholder register(cut off date is 48 hours before the AGM) You are entitled to vote and attend the meeting.
A few years ago, I have to attend the AGM of one of the companies I have invested using cash ( i.e. non-CPF ) as an observer, all because I did not submit an attendance form beforehand. A fellow shareholder told me that it is because the company is incorporated in BVI ( or Cayman of those ) which has some strange rules. Not sure how true, but if you are going to the AGM not just to observe ( or to enjoy buffetBig Grin ), you might want to be doubly sure that you submit whatever form is required before going.

(14-04-2012, 07:08 PM)FFNow Wrote: I still wonder how these can happen, especially the latter. Thus, nowadays I make it a point to check if my dividends are banked into my bank account promptly on Payable Date.

Does anyone ever have their dividend not paid? I don't normally check. I think I better be more diligent from now onward.
yes, companies registered in BVI / CYI, if u have to register ur attendence to attend their AGMs.. Big Grin
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