Yeo Hiap Seng

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Anyone following this counter? I just wonder why it didn't pay dividends for so many years?
5 days after your post, the company announces a dividend after a dividend drought of almost 6 years. Pianist, your post is very powerful Smile
after the maiden dividend, yeo hiap seng surged above $2 today.
today yeo hiap seng is hovering at $5.06. huat ah
YHS is worth close to 3billion in market cap. Wow! I cannot imagine, if some party is willing to pay that value for its brand? unless they can turnaround the operation easily?

Some Co. that is really serious about Spore quality and value? This would be a real spanner in the works! Already Super is getting some spill over as YHS also owns Super stock and if really there is potential buyer at this level, crazy as it sounds, may be YHS is really the unlocking of Singapore brand equity.

Nobody had been able to crack what is wrong with YHS all the years that it existed in SPore and beyond? It is a reliable brand that lacks the drive, partly due to strangle hold by the Ngs. Yet at today price, who would dare to take on a complete takeover. This Louis is 1 of its kind to let lose the Co. run lose in this market after F&N.

Smart move or fool's trap, we await to see?
certain things in life, can see, no touch !!

it seem to me that YHS share price been "engineered" up by almost over 4 folds to over $5.00 now... versus ONLY $1.20 four months ago, and only $1 at start of year
BASED on YHS AR2011 as rough guide:
YHS shrs (as at Mar2012) are held by ONLY a very small number of people....
1000-to-10,000 shares range - only 351 shrhldrs with aggregate of 1.379m shrs
10,001-to-1,000,000 rs range- ONLY 143 shrhldrs with aggregate of 5.310m shrs
Above 1m shares range => there are 12 holders controlling 567.4m shrs (98.83% of listed shrs - bulk are under FE Holdings & also FEOrchard)

Implication of above: market price of YHS CAN BE EASILY Manipulated
dun know why FEOrchard taking so long to do the DIS-of-those-YHS shares !!! ,
the longer they take, the more the current market prices of YHS shrs can get manipulated.

Upcoming DIS-of- 83.298m YHS shrs by FEOrchard will create some 5900 new YHS-shrhldrs, and almost everyone of them will endup with some ODD lots shrs
Each FEOrchard share ==> You get $0.12 cash + 0.229 YHS shares

so New YHS Shrhlders: arising from DIS-of-YHS shrs to OPH Shrhldrs (Guesstimate based on OPH Shrhldrs stats as at 15-Mar2012 (OPH AR2011)
443 of them will have average of 171 YHS shrs each,
4094 of them will have average 1047 YHS shrs
1346 of them will have average 9120 YHS shrs
==> so its v. likely that many of them will be selling their newly dis-YHS shrs... they will be selling their odd lots !!!

for those thinking of buying FEOrchard coz you figuring that 0.229 YHS shrs be worth XX dollars !
be careful that X-dis price for FEOrchard, might correct downward by that lofty quantum (0.229 * YHS shr price),
but by the time, your a/c get credited with your ""DIS-YHS shrs"", YHS share price would had already plunge !!..
.... so your 0.229 YHS shr gonna be worth very much lesser !!

btw: YHS's latest strong earnings unlikely to get repeated coz property contributed a huge chunk (TOP of Jardin project in 2012-Q1),
but there will be no repeat of Jardin's TOP beyond current FY.
I cant help but kick myself. As a long time yhs shareholder i sold it at 2.2 and thought heng ah got out of this value trap.... Oh well!!!
(15-10-2012, 07:09 PM)godjira1 Wrote: I cant help but kick myself. As a long time yhs shareholder i sold it at 2.2 and thought heng ah got out of this value trap.... Oh well!!!
how long were u trapped?
(15-10-2012, 08:57 PM)pianist Wrote:
(15-10-2012, 07:09 PM)godjira1 Wrote: I cant help but kick myself. As a long time yhs shareholder i sold it at 2.2 and thought heng ah got out of this value trap.... Oh well!!!
how long were u trapped?

early 2010 at 1.60ish average. didn't have much liquidity even back then so never owned too many pieces of it but I just feel a bit cheated now (admittedly it's probably my fault) after tahaning the drop down to 1 buck.
(15-10-2012, 03:14 PM)Vseeker Wrote: certain things in life, can see, no touch !!

it seem to me that YHS share price been "engineered" up by almost over 4 folds to over $5.00 now... versus ONLY $1.20 four months ago, and only $1 at start of year
BASED on YHS AR2011 as rough guide:
YHS shrs (as at Mar2012) are held by ONLY a very small number of people....
1000-to-10,000 shares range - only 351 shrhldrs with aggregate of 1.379m shrs
10,001-to-1,000,000 rs range- ONLY 143 shrhldrs with aggregate of 5.310m shrs
Above 1m shares range => there are 12 holders controlling 567.4m shrs (98.83% of listed shrs - bulk are under FE Holdings & also FEOrchard)

Implication of above: market price of YHS CAN BE EASILY Manipulated
dun know why FEOrchard taking so long to do the DIS-of-those-YHS shares !!! ,
the longer they take, the more the current market prices of YHS shrs can get manipulated.

Upcoming DIS-of- 83.298m YHS shrs by FEOrchard will create some 5900 new YHS-shrhldrs, and almost everyone of them will endup with some ODD lots shrs
Each FEOrchard share ==> You get $0.12 cash + 0.229 YHS shares

so New YHS Shrhlders: arising from DIS-of-YHS shrs to OPH Shrhldrs (Guesstimate based on OPH Shrhldrs stats as at 15-Mar2012 (OPH AR2011)
443 of them will have average of 171 YHS shrs each,
4094 of them will have average 1047 YHS shrs
1346 of them will have average 9120 YHS shrs
==> so its v. likely that many of them will be selling their newly dis-YHS shrs... they will be selling their odd lots !!!

for those thinking of buying FEOrchard coz you figuring that 0.229 YHS shrs be worth XX dollars !
be careful that X-dis price for FEOrchard, might correct downward by that lofty quantum (0.229 * YHS shr price),
but by the time, your a/c get credited with your ""DIS-YHS shrs"", YHS share price would had already plunge !!..
.... so your 0.229 YHS shr gonna be worth very much lesser !!

btw: YHS's latest strong earnings unlikely to get repeated coz property contributed a huge chunk (TOP of Jardin project in 2012-Q1),
but there will be no repeat of Jardin's TOP beyond current FY.

FE Orchard NAV is $3 ok. Rolleyes RNAV is $3.45 based on current YHS price. Rolleyes

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