i think they gonna whack iran

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Iran will simply taped millions of tons of TNT into it's oilfields, who comes, just DENOTATE!! :O

big hole in earth... :O
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
Usually this kind of operation there will be no talking to media, there will be total blanket of silence.

To talk to media means either they are banging war drums or they very confident.
agreed... my bet is that israel will not attack iran without US's nodd... Tongue
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
I was just thinking If the oil route and supply is disrupted in the middle east I think everybody in this part of the world will switch to buying gas coal petrol whatever they can get from indonesia, malaysia, brunei,myanmmar, east timor who are likely to benefit the most as alternative supplies. Resources there should be plenty in this part of the world but extraction capacity may not be that great. Maybe australia coal? Yellow cake uranium? Bio diesel again possible.

Maybe I should buy some Indonesia Rupiah to stash away. Big Grin
Vast deposits of oil and gas found just off israel in 2 seperate discoveries.
232million barrels of oil & est 16 trillion cubic feet of gas.

I think eventually opec could be forced to allow membership to jewish state to avoid price war.

If israel join opec probably could lead to sustainable peace in the region Or opec could dissolve and everybody fend for themselves. Big Grin


Quote:Special Report: Intel shows Iran nuclear threat not imminent

By Tabassum Zakaria and Mark Hosenball

WASHINGTON | Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:00pm EDT

(Reuters) - The United States, European allies and even Israel generally agree on three things about Iran's nuclear program: Tehran does not have a bomb, has not decided to build one, and is probably years away from having a deliverable nuclear warhead.

Those conclusions, drawn from extensive interviews with current and former U.S. and European officials with access to intelligence on Iran, contrast starkly with the heated debate surrounding a possible Israeli strike on Tehran's nuclear facilities.


There are also blind spots in U.S. and allied agencies' knowledge.
the hawks in Israel are bent on war but they want to US to fight it for them. Political rivals are calling obama too soft on iran, preassure is on obama and he deftly avoiding war by playing sanction game for now.

There's few things that will push the US into a new war.

1) A new terror strike in American heartland will force america into action.

2) Israeli strike on Iran, Iran retaliate on US ships in the gulf will also force the americans.

3) Window of opportunity as mentioned earlier all the traditional enemies of israel are now in disarray, syria is still holding on, if syria falls the road to Iran will be open, so iran has vested interest in proping up syria to see it survive while at the same time countries are supplying arms to rebels in syria to topple the government it's a test of wills and Syria is now the new lebanon.
Quote:The New York Times
The False Debate About Attacking Iran

March 24, 2012
..... it’s the same kind of debate as the one about climate change.....
Officials and security experts make several broad points about why a military strike on Iran anytime soon would be an abominable idea.
Granted, everything I say here may be wrong.
..... just about every expert thinks that a military strike at this time would be a catastrophically bad idea. That’s not a debate, but a consensus.
Actually I been reading a lot on the preparation by the iranian side.

Despite the sanctions are already in effect they still able to buy wheat from USA, australia and brazil paying for it in russian roubles thereby skirting economic sanctions. They have bought over half a million tonnes since feb this year and still buying. They also hoarded over 900 tons of gold bought from international markets back when the price was around US$600, that's more gold than India and Japan combined.

These preparation shows their level of sophistication also determination to overcome problems and that they were already predicting possible difficulties and moved ahead early to take action to insulate themselves.

So although their currency has since devalued when sanctions took effect the price of gold price soared on "war rumours" they already hedged their bets.
Firstly I think normally such important affairs of the state are highly secretive, I read during the attack on osirak (iraq) only 2-3 people including the prime minister of israel at that time were privy to the attack plans. This blogger is not even a senior cabinet minister how he came across this info?

Secondly gold price has come down substantially, so has the price of oil and other minerals and almost all countries have been forced to stop trading with iranians - all orchestrated by the obama administration and if Syria also falls then they will have run out of allies. May finally force the Iranians to the table.

A sudden attack by the IDF will derail everything, oil, gold all the mineral resources in the world will rally.

side bets, side bets Big Grin

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