China Sky Chemical Fibre

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Did China Sky, SGX meeting breach code?

Business Times - 11 Jan 2012

Did China Sky, SGX meeting breach code?

Meeting notes show major shareholder's representative there


CHINA Sky Chemical Fibre's latest document defending its non-compliance towards a directive from the Singapore Exchange (SGX) has cast the spotlight on a piece of information that is bound to raise eyebrows.

Meeting notes from China Sky on its confidential meeting with SGX on Dec 24 revealed that 'a representative of a major shareholder' was present. This flies in the face of corporate governance guidelines on fair communication of information to all shareholders.

According to China Sky, Rosie Gan - referred to as a representative of a major shareholder - and then-independent director Er Kwong Wah were acting as a go-between and arranged a meeting for SGX and China Sky chief executive Huang Zhong Xuan to resolve the impasse that stemmed from China Sky's refusal to appoint a special auditor as directed by SGX.

Ms Gan is country head of HL Bank, a member of Hong Leong Group Malaysia, which is in turn the holding company of Guoco Group. The latter is the second-largest shareholder of China Sky with a 10.29 per cent stake. China Sky's largest shareholder is its CEO Huang Zhong Xuan, with a 37.81 per cent stake in the group.

HL Bank, led by Ms Gan, was the IPO manager and underwriter for China Sky's IPO in 2005. However, since the listing, HL Bank has not played any active corporate advisory role for the group.

Ms Gan declined to comment when contacted. A Guoco Group spokeswoman declined to comment on Ms Gan's presence at the confidential meeting. But she said that Guoco Group has written to China Sky as a substantial shareholder to express its deep concern over the recent actions taken by the company in resistance to the directive from SGX.

'We strongly urge the board to speedily resolve and to comply with the SA (special audit) directive so that the interests of all stakeholders are protected,' she said.

Lan Luh Luh, deputy director for Commercial Law Studies at the National University of Singapore, noted that as a general principle, information from listed companies should be disseminated fairly to all shareholders even when share trading has been suspended.

'We are not sure what is the information shared, but since it's a confidential meeting between SGX and the company on compliance, there may be some issues that may affect the share price,' Dr Lan said.

Under the Code of Corporate Governance, if there is inadvertent disclosure made to a select group of shareholders, 'companies should make the same disclosure publicly to all others as soon as practicable', she added.

David Gerald, president of Securities Investors Association of Singapore (Sias), said that it is unclear if there was any material information shared at the meeting as the full content of the discussion was not made known. 'We have to know that before we can jump to the conclusion of selective disclosure,' he said.

The confidential meeting was held after China Sky and its directors were publicly reprimanded by the exchange for its failure to comply with SGX's directive to appoint a special auditor to investigate certain transactions, including interested person transactions between the company and then-audit committee chairman Lai Seng Kwoon and a botched acquisition of land in Fujian province.

Mr Lai and two other independent directors (IDs) have since stepped down after failing to persuade the group to comply by the Jan 5 deadline.

Minority shareholder Mano Sabnani felt that 'it would not be right to have one or two shareholders' at the confidential meeting unless they had executive roles at China Sky, and expressed disappointment with the resignation of the three IDs.

'There must be something the exchange can do to disallow the resignations and instruct the directors to remain on board,' he said. 'Why are the directors allowed to step down at this crucial juncture?'

Mr Sabnani, who had earlier felt that it was not necessary to have a special audit as disclosures by China Sky were adequate, noted that it may be better for shareholders of China Sky if the special audit gets under way, given the current standoff.

'The way they are playing the game, I don't think they are going to compromise, so in the end, the shareholders are going to suffer,' he said.
Maybe it was better for them to say Ms Gan was at the meeting representing the IPO manager, offering additional after-listing services, to resolve misunderstanding between a company they have help listed and the exchange.
Quote:'We are not sure what is the information shared, but since it's a confidential meeting between SGX and the company on compliance, there may be some issues that may affect the share price,' Dr Lan said.

Suspended in Nov, meeting in Dec, affect what share price??

Quote:Minority shareholder Mano Sabnani felt that 'it would not be right to have one or two shareholders' at the confidential meeting unless they had executive roles at China Sky, and expressed disappointment with the resignation of the three IDs.

Wondering if it's the same BT journalist,

Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
------------ 知己知彼 ,百战不殆 ;不知彼 ,不知己 ,每战必殆 ------------
On a side note, I've met Mano at AGMs before, most notably Boustead's. He's an advocate of corporate governance and transparency and usually asks very pointed and detailed questions. He also touched on succession planning as one of his topics.

A sharp and articulate guy, in my opinion. Smile
My Value Investing Blog:
aiyo, china sky failing to do special audit is already a big breach against the toothless code...what is now a small behind the door meeting with one of the major shareholder.
plus i recalled during the GO bidding war between that philipiines port operator and mitsui..portek also never disclosed mitsui was already dating her long before the pinoy competitor came...smiles..
gurus please enlighten me, are shareholders of a suspended company still entitled to dividends (supposing the company is distributing) or able to transfer the shares on a private basis?
will the company still hold AGMs and are the rights of the share holder still attached to the share?

is there any recourse for shareholders?
SGX has announced that it has withdrawn the law suit against China Sky and it's directors in it's entirety. China sky's lawyers awaiting instructions from the company. No further explanation was given.
Naive to believe SGX dare to touch these PRC guys.
Full of sound and fury, got thunder got lightning.

I go out to the window to bring in my clothes. Eh? No rain?
Just google singapore man of leisure
The whole World is laughing at us. Balless talk only. Fear to own people only.

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