Eratat Lifestyle

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The exercise price is S$0.30 for each New Share

I doubt anyone will want to subscribe for the warrant.
Good news for those who are stuck: No need to fork out extra cash.
Bad news for those who are stuck: Little or no extra cash for the company. Can't sell warrants on the market.

Good luck to unitholders.
-- Where I blog about matters on finances
That free shirt looked ugly leh.

Still need to pay near to $120 for 1 lot + brokerage fees and SGX fees.
For that 1 shirt, not worth unless guaranteed every year got shirt.
-- Where I blog about matters on finances
sold....fed up with the company
I think if you ask our ID sitting on the board to do all the necessary due diligence they will all runaway or shrink! Many of them not performing anything except to collect the dues.

In a new twist to S chip revival, Eratat got the guts to issue Convertible bond like Honguo before (C banner ladies shoes) when it go into growth stage.

Spore is not the place to really list good Co. partly because we do not have ID that do real useful work for shldrs. Very often we appoint director that think like they being appoint to the board of a GLC mentality.

If the workers and rank and file need to be replaced by foreigners, I suggest replace IDs first, the top must set a eg. so that the bottom will follow. Why should ordinary ppl that do useful work suffer the brunt of failed strategy of gov in attracting Co. here to list.?

Clear Eratat is not out of the woods yet, but at least they are trying to dig themselves out of this debacle of failed S chips.

1 sinograndness cannot spring interest but hopefully more will follow. Plenty of long suffering shldrs waiting!!

CNA forum some1 spill the bean long back that SunHungKai did the all the due diligence for Convertible bond.
These liars state they have 23 SGD cents cash per share , so why are they paying a miserable ever shrinking dividend and why do they need to raise cash with bonds and warrants ?
I remember reading somewhere that mgmt. states they have a policy which is to distribute dividends at around 3- 5% to the current share price. Was it last yr they said this.

Secondly, the mgmt. mentions that they intend to deploy the cash for med to long term and hence it is possible that Eratat could be on some "big scale project" that will require them to use up 23 cents per share to the extent that they have to raise more capital. I have attended S-chip AGM this year and when quizzed on their cash hoard they have always given similar to answers to Eratat's: "They have some money-making project which will use their funds" or "We have to strike a balance between returns to shareholders and business expansion."

Which makes me wonder: are there so many big projects in China that are better than buying back their own shares which are equal to or less than 50% of their stated NAV ( if you believe the figures). Its either there are many frauds with large cash hoards or China is such a greater hinterland where you can expect 100% returns on top of capital in a short period of time
this company sounds like a big trap lol
Why does a company with 'RMB $595m' cash balance as of 31/03/2013 and basically few debts need to issue a bond?

(Notice the 'RMB $595m')$file/Results_Announcement_20130331_FINAL.pdf?openelement$file/Eratat_2013.05.03_Proposed_Issue_of_Non-Convertible_Bonds_and_Warrants.pdf?openelement
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S-Chips are hard to be trusted
I agree.. I lost a lot of money on S-Chips..

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