Purpose of Life, Purpose of Work

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Good morning valubuddies.

When I was younger, a colleague Alf introduced a book to me:
What Color is your Parachute?
[Image: What_Color_is_Your_Parachute.jpg]

This is a exceptionally great book for a job seeker and/or someone who wanted to know more about themself.

Personally, I will endorse "What Color is your Parachute?" as a must read for all students - know themself and then know what they wanted to study.

I will encourage "What Color is your Parachute?" as a must read for all graduate - know what their strength and then know what job they wanted.

And, Brother Choon, no brainer for me to recommend "What Color is your Parachute?" before anyone who is thinking/diving into Career vs Contributions to society. For me, Brother Choon, after all, you could have both passion and advancement in your career with xtraordinary contributions to society too. 
Watch this:

An extract:
[Image: 0*f1gw5uXkWuHQWodx]

There are some who find their joy in full time investing as shown in the social media interview:

What made you transition to being a full-time investor?

HH: Control over my time comes foremost. I prefer not exchanging my time for a salary and being subject to workforce life, if I can.

While investment work can be time-consuming, I can structure and schedule my days to my preference. I can also decide how far to take my work. It’s the freedom of self-employment.

It’s often that people either lack money or time. So having both is a true luxury. Passive income can free one from having to strictly trade time for remuneration. It leaves one with much more time and therefore life choices.

I can also better devote time to other things that matter such as family, health, non-work-related projects, and even go places or get tasks done during off-peak hours to avoid crowds.

We want to own businesses with their best days ahead, businesses well-positioned to benefit from unavoidable megatrends.
A stock’s highest and lowest price points are reached not when its fundamentals are strongest or weakest, but when sentiment surrounding it is most optimistic or pessimistic.
Agree! Being a full-time investor make sense, especially for our valuebuddies who has a need for flexible working hour.

For me, I had the best of both work. While I tap dancing to work, during my "free" time, I enjoy doing anything that I like to do too.  Being a part-time investor, gives me the pleasure to treat my investment journey as a learning experience.  No pressure to perform, no KPI, nothing to expect.  If I failed, then the $$$ I loss - become part of the entertainment fees (just like $$$ spend traveling). If I succeed, then it's extra $$$ for someone else (as unlikely, I'm going to spend these $$$ gain from investment on myself).  

To me, given a chance to be full-time investor, I rather not.  I think investing is fun but I'm certain that that's not how I wanted to spend my time.  There are more meaningful works waiting for us to do. There are more people waiting for us to help aka I think contributing and given back would be something more important currently, and I am really appreciative of the chance that's given to me.

Gratitude. Heart

NTUC to form task force to look into work-life needs of youth entering workforce:
Younger workers often seek work-invest-life balance. They have the most to benefit from investing early so as to maximize the power of compounding.
Reference: https://windgatewealth.com/the-power-of-...aving-now/
(10-04-2022, 10:27 AM)¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Wrote: Agree! Being a full-time investor make sense, especially for our valuebuddies who has a need for flexible working hour.

For me, I had the best of both work. While I tap dancing to work, during my "free" time, I enjoy doing anything that I like to do too.  Being a part-time investor, gives me the pleasure to treat my investment journey as a learning experience.  No pressure to perform, no KPI, nothing to expect.  If I failed, then the $$$ I loss - become part of the entertainment fees (just like $$$ spend traveling). If I succeed, then it's extra $$$ for someone else (as unlikely, I'm going to spend these $$$ gain from investment on myself).  

To me, given a chance to be full-time investor, I rather not.  I think investing is fun but I'm certain that that's not how I wanted to spend my time.  There are more meaningful works waiting for us to do. There are more people waiting for us to help aka I think contributing and given back would be something more important currently, and I am really appreciative of the chance that's given to me.

Gratitude. Heart

Resurfacing this thread. Apologies for belaboring this discussion. 

Am thinking to retire early in 2023 (40) to be a full-time retail investor. Biggest concern I have is would I no longer have any interaction with the outside world and become a recluse. Since I would only be sitting on my armchair to read and read, and wait and wait and wait, and pounce. 

Any ideas what can I do to address this lack of human interaction part? I do hope to contribute to society. Although I am also skeptical about the usefulness/effectiveness of many charitable works in Singapore. Hai.... 

Grateful for any thoughts or life experiences. One A

I'm not advising nor suggesting anything.
Because everyone will have their unique circumstances and personality which chartered their own course which ultimately finding their own happiness (or peace).

I reckon that C19 is a incredibly stressful event and during this period a lot of our valuebuddies are under extreme emotional and mentally challenged from time to time.  Unfortunately, there is no single method to address them. I mean, there are many ways to help in these stressful events but the effectiveness and success - depends on how individual look at it and then tried it and then tasted the fruits of his action.

Ok, too mouthful.

Let me just share what I did.

Valuebuddies would recalled our Singapore Lock Down? sometime in Feb 2020?  Those was the initial period of C19 and everything was in (more or less) chaos.

With the locked down, those elderly folks who living alone or handicap who is not mobile would be in deep Sh**.  They won't survived.  What I meant was they don't have enough food to eat.

I saw a email calling for buddies to these vulnerable group of people and immediately volunteered to help.  Since it's at the early day of C19, I continue to do my day time works - just as usual.  

However, what I did was wake up slightly early.  What happen last night was a request from some uncle or auntie who runs out of bread.  So, I just wake up early and do some shopping and deliver the bread before I start my works.

Similarly, in some occasion, after my usual work hour, I just go to supermarket and buy some groceries (ordered by the uncle/auntie) and deliver them before 8pm (because there is a guideline not to late in the evening as the uncle/auntie might be sleeping early).

Things move on for a few weeks before the actual volunteering systems kicked in and I was released of my (urgent) volunteering duty. 

Then, I was invited to be another volunteer works.  This time, there was another vulnerable group which is not contactable by phone (and regular contacts).  The organiser is concern and wanted to know whether these un-contactable individual is doing well.

Bear in mind this would be sometime in early 2022 and although the locked down is relaxed but everyone is still very Kan-Jong. 

Again, I happily accepted the duties and was given briefing and also coaching on home visiting.  The assignment go thru a few rounds before again the proper volunteering system is in place and I was excused.  Big Grin

I must confessed that this is the first time I volunteered and on reflection, the only reason why I volunteered was because there was a urgent request and most of the people were not ready.

I am build/design for such situation.  When things fall back into slightly normal, my usefulness diminished and (don't mind) fade away.

Tongue Not saying I didn't volunteer more but it's always such a situation. Eg. Distribution of ART kits. When it was just started, there was a lack of manpower and again, on Day 1, I was at the distribution center.  Subsequently aka Day 2, the proper volunteer system was setup and I don't have to be there.

At this moment, things looks to be brighter but who knows?

(10-07-2022, 11:53 AM)¯|_(ツ)_/¯ Wrote: I'm not advising nor suggesting anything.
Because everyone will have their unique circumstances and personality which chartered their own course which ultimately finding their own happiness (or peace).

I reckon that C19 is a incredibly stressful event and during this period a lot of our valuebuddies are under extreme emotional and mentally challenged from time to time.  Unfortunately, there is no single method to address them. I mean, there are many ways to help in these stressful events but the effectiveness and success - depends on how individual look at it and then tried it and then tasted the fruits of his action.

Ok, too mouthful.

Let me just share what I did.

Valuebuddies would recalled our Singapore Lock Down? sometime in Feb 2020?  Those was the initial period of C19 and everything was in (more or less) chaos.

With the locked down, those elderly folks who living alone or handicap who is not mobile would be in deep Sh**.  They won't survived.  What I meant was they don't have enough food to eat.

I saw a email calling for buddies to these vulnerable group of people and immediately volunteered to help.  Since it's at the early day of C19, I continue to do my day time works - just as usual.  

However, what I did was wake up slightly early.  What happen last night was a request from some uncle or auntie who runs out of bread.  So, I just wake up early and do some shopping and deliver the bread before I start my works.

Similarly, in some occasion, after my usual work hour, I just go to supermarket and buy some groceries (ordered by the uncle/auntie) and deliver them before 8pm (because there is a guideline not to late in the evening as the uncle/auntie might be sleeping early).

Things move on for a few weeks before the actual volunteering systems kicked in and I was released of my (urgent) volunteering duty. 

Then, I was invited to be another volunteer works.  This time, there was another vulnerable group which is not contactable by phone (and regular contacts).  The organiser is concern and wanted to know whether these un-contactable individual is doing well.

Bear in mind this would be sometime in early 2022 and although the locked down is relaxed but everyone is still very Kan-Jong. 

Again, I happily accepted the duties and was given briefing and also coaching on home visiting.  The assignment go thru a few rounds before again the proper volunteering system is in place and I was excused.  Big Grin

I must confessed that this is the first time I volunteered and on reflection, the only reason why I volunteered was because there was a urgent request and most of the people were not ready.

I am build/design for such situation.  When things fall back into slightly normal, my usefulness diminished and (don't mind) fade away.

Tongue Not saying I didn't volunteer more but it's always such a situation. Eg. Distribution of ART kits. When it was just started, there was a lack of manpower and again, on Day 1, I was at the distribution center.  Subsequently aka Day 2, the proper volunteer system was setup and I don't have to be there.

At this moment, things looks to be brighter but who knows?

Thanks much for sharing your personal experiences Smile
(03-07-2022, 03:35 PM)Choon Wrote: Resurfacing this thread. Apologies for belaboring this discussion. 

Am thinking to retire early in 2023 (40) to be a full-time retail investor. Biggest concern I have is would I no longer have any interaction with the outside world and become a recluse. Since I would only be sitting on my armchair to read and read, and wait and wait and wait, and pounce. 

Any ideas what can I do to address this lack of human interaction part? I do hope to contribute to society. Although I am also skeptical about the usefulness/effectiveness of many charitable works in Singapore. Hai.... 

Grateful for any thoughts or life experiences. One A


Somehow by a twist of fate, I re-read this thread.

2 years on, I wonder if you have made your peace? Smile (no course, no need to respond if you don't feel like it).

The part about worrying/concerns is very tangible. But faith is intangible.

Before we decide to adventure into a jungle, we may worry if we get stuck in the mud. So what gives? Maybe the best course of action is to just get out of the mud when you get stuck in the mud.
Whether or not to interact with someone else, should be independent of your income source, no? Can always find a third place, or spend time with family and friends etc.

Shouldn't be a deciding factor, imho Shy
“If you buy a business just because it’s undervalued, then you have to worry about selling it when it reaches its intrinsic value. That’s hard. But if you can buy a few great companies, then you can sit on your ass. That’s a good thing.” - Charlie Munger

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