Best World

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Analyze is good, but need to be balanced. Do not analyze until paralyze. I have several experiences. However, if one is not comfortable, then the investment is probably too much to stomach. Many times, when I miss it, I just tell myself the risk is not for me and get over it. Move on, there are always new opportunity. Hopefully learn from that experience, dwell on it just waste energy.
(19-07-2017, 04:54 PM)Millionfaith Wrote: Analyze is good, but need to be balanced. Do not analyze until paralyze. I have several experiences. However, if one is not comfortable, then the investment is probably too much to stomach. Many times, when I miss it, I just tell myself the risk is not for me and get over it. Move on, there are always new opportunity. Hopefully learn from that experience, dwell on it just waste energy.

Ah ha! Who says anything about dwelling on it?! You still don't know who is the one laughing in the end! Big Grin

Just kidding. All the analysis just helps me to clear my thoughts and measure risk versus returns. I just thought that there were safer investments out there with better risks rewards.

And i found out how to edit signature, apparently you only get to when you hit 50 posts!
Hi Squirrel, I am sorry if you have mistaken what I wrote. I am referring to myself, I have missed out quite a few opportunities in the past. I am not pointing to anyone, so if my English is bad, I do not mean it.

I know I am owning an investment, Best World with high risk, I have also reminded VBs from the beginning that this carries risk.

I do not care if I get to know how to edit signature. I do not post because I want to be recognized. For me, I just try to learn from other VBs here and at the same time, hope to also give me humble opinion. Right or wrong, please do due diligence.
@Squirrel, and I certainly agree with you that there are safer investments out there : )
(19-07-2017, 04:52 PM)Squirrel Wrote: BoonSo some one has done some on ground check on BWL sales convention in WHERE?
1)  BWL holds most of its convention there.
2)  Company name, brand and systems are the subjects of the event.
3)  So, who is the actual organizer of this event? 
4)  Not BWI & companies of course as “All DR’s Secret service outlets/workshops in China are operationally independent and do not have any contractual agreement with Best World and any of its subsidiaries.”- according to reply from IR to moneyspinner and JanQuin.
5)  Must be BWI’s China Agents/Distributor, right? Who else could it be?
6)  Has approval or consent being granted by BWI for such an event?
7)  If yes. there must be a written consent – which is a form of agreement - but there is no agreement according to 3) above.
8)  If NO, the management is putting company’s reputation, systems, brand reputation at great risks of being misuse and abuse.
9)   Is his how BWI manage its “Export business” in China? 
10) What is the point of existing distributors recruiting more new distributors ? 

Its interesting that the analyst Jonathon went down to the convention and had a look at everything that's going on and raised 0 concerns on regulations. His biggest concern is "weaker than expected sales in Taiwan or China" which he has addressed in his report as not really a worry.

Doesn't one wonder why in Changsha, which is not a licensed DS region and Dr Secret which is not a licensed product is being distributed by so many people there? What makes Jonathan so confident that there is no wrongdoing on the ground? Maybe someone can email him to ask him?

I guess as long as they get the Changsha + Dr Secret approval as soon as possible, any prior business practices can be glossed over like how the convention videos are removed and there is not really much ground for debate.

The share price reaction today is definitely shouting at Boon and me saying "You are wrong in your questions!". And perhaps the stock might go up by another ten fold in the next 5 years. Its a risk one has to take i suppose with a juicy reward painted by analysts.

Please do your own due diligence. (Btw, how do you adad a signature?! I am tired of typing this with every post. Tongue)

Convention videos are time bomb that could explode anytime or may not explode at all - depending on who has got hold of them and intend to do with them

Play by the rules NOW - it is not worth the risks, I reckon.
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
The discussions on BWI China model are getting very complicated.

My GUESS is BWI is selling DR Secret products via :
Distributor*(company level) -> Distributor*(company level) .... -> Consumer(Individual) using 663 "concept" .

*salons, shops etc

It is not really considered DS because the tiers are companies(instead of individuals), e.g. Watsons/Guardian chains or Gong-Cha franchises, and these BWI distributors/companies are all over China. It is not commissions at individual level but "sales margins"/"profit bonuses" at company level, incurring company income tax etc. So, the top most level is DMJ(or Chao Yue Ti Xi i think); the PDs are owners whose companies are directly below her company, in other words, all of them have to be business owners. In addition, DMJ's company(salon/shop) may also sell to end users directly(but no tier commissions). All these made her the "top seller".

So, when the DS licence comes for both the various DR products + various China cities, then BWI will convert all the existing distributors/companies as individual members(persons) into the "normal" DS.

Now, the problem is this is treading the fine line of DS/MLM. While BWI wants to recognize its China distributors' achievements, it may warrant unwanted regulator's attention. So it is better to keep a low profile i.e. removing all the videos from the public domain.

BTW, my Chinese is quite rusty so pardon me if the above is already invalidated by the Chinese passages in the earlier threads.

Of course, all these are just dreamybear's theory, pls DOD.

开车行驶在公路无际无边 有离开自己的感觉

Thank you Boon and other valuebuddies...
for giving me a chance to do something that I never thought I can do (so easily).

bwl is definitely a good stock
  which is why I regretted immediately after diverse.

I always thought that bwl is a good stock.
the biz potential is enormous as China is a huge territory and tremendous opportunity to grow into 10x or 100x bigger than now.

I 100% believe (and still believe) that Dora and her team is fully dedicated to their vision 
"To be a global leading health and wellness company dedicated to creating products that enhance the lives of our customers."

No doubt about it...
  stock price and results of bwl is definitely going one way -----> UP!

My assessment of BestWorld 宝贝 is non-other than tough and hardworking lot.

Ace company with a bright future.

Until today, I'm still regretting my decision.

Why the rush to dispose?

Why can't I sell 10% and hold on to the remaining bwl shares at "zero-capital"?

Why not sell 75% and left the remaining 25% as tikam tikam?

I think it's just me.

I'm a super conservative-investor when come to bestworld.

Everyone is different and everyone has their temperament.

Regards to bestworld, I'm not going to take any risks.

I'm too involved.

My ego and emotion will impact my decision to sell.

Logically, I won't sell any bwl stocks.

I would hold off till the price is right and then sell slowly.

I would sold 10% to become "zero-cost" says within 1 weeks (super conservative).

Follow by selling another 40% in 3 months (after result come up).

Then wait out for another Qtr or year end result (with dividend - likely increasing).

That will be CHIALC88 style.

But, no.  I decided to sell bwl like Sh**.

for a very simple reason...

I reminded myself again and again: "Buying stocks is like buying risks".

No amount of upside can compensate a *known* risks.

I know valuebuddies will ask: "Every stock has it's risks wha... just need to weight the risks and reward."

You're right and I'm not going to argue with you.

But, I can tell you that a lot of risks are imaginary.

For bwl, I'll leave it to you as a exercise to figure out why I think the risk is real and not imaginary (not imminent thou).

Good luck and Dora, Doreen & HBC, if you still have a chance, do the right things.
You are probably more experience than anyone of us.
There is absolutely no need to rush.
When there is a mistake, let there be truth.
I wish you have the courage to change.

Bestworld 宝贝 depends on your wisdom to lead and change their life.

宝贝 加油!
感恩 26 April 2019 Straco AGM ppt
(19-07-2017, 10:29 PM)dreamybear Wrote: The discussions on BWI China model are getting very complicated.

My GUESS is BWI is selling DR Secret products via :
Distributor*(company level) -> Distributor*(company level) .... -> Consumer(Individual) using 663 "concept" .

*salons, shops etc

It is not really considered DS because the tiers are companies(instead of individuals), e.g. Watsons/Guardian chains or Gong-Cha franchises, and these BWI distributors/companies are all over China. It is not commissions at individual level but "sales margins"/"profit bonuses" at company level, incurring company income tax etc. So, the top most level is DMJ(or Chao Yue Ti Xi i think); the PDs are owners whose companies are directly below her company, in other words, all of them have to be business owners. In addition, DMJ's company(salon/shop) may also sell to end users directly(but no tier commissions). All these made her the "top seller".

So, when the DS licence comes for both the various DR products + various China cities, then BWI will convert all the existing distributors/companies as individual members(persons) into the "normal" DS.

Now, the problem is this is treading the fine line of DS/MLM. While BWI wants to recognize its China distributors' achievements, it may warrant unwanted regulator's attention. So it is better to keep a low profile i.e. removing all the videos from the public domain.  

BTW, my Chinese is quite rusty so pardon me if the above is already invalidated by the Chinese passages in the earlier threads.

Of course, all these are just dreamybear's theory, pls DOD.

DS, Retail or online or whatever distribution models => relevant license is needed=> no license => illegal

With license => having downlines relationship =>implies multi-level-commission => illegal

Plenty of evidence from the videos.
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
(19-07-2017, 10:29 PM)dreamybear Wrote: The discussions on BWI China model are getting very complicated.

My GUESS is BWI is selling DR Secret products via :
Distributor*(company level) -> Distributor*(company level) .... -> Consumer(Individual) using 663 "concept" .

*salons, shops etc

It is not really considered DS because the tiers are companies(instead of individuals), e.g. Watsons/Guardian chains or Gong-Cha franchises, and these BWI distributors/companies are all over China. It is not commissions at individual level but "sales margins"/"profit bonuses" at company level, incurring company income tax etc. So, the top most level is DMJ(or Chao Yue Ti Xi i think); the PDs are owners whose companies are directly below her company, in other words, all of them have to be business owners. In addition, DMJ's company(salon/shop) may also sell to end users directly(but no tier commissions). All these made her the "top seller".

So, when the DS licence comes for both the various DR products + various China cities, then BWI will convert all the existing distributors/companies as individual members(persons) into the "normal" DS.

Now, the problem is this is treading the fine line of DS/MLM. While BWI wants to recognize its China distributors' achievements, it may warrant unwanted regulator's attention. So it is better to keep a low profile i.e. removing all the videos from the public domain.  

BTW, my Chinese is quite rusty so pardon me if the above is already invalidated by the Chinese passages in the earlier threads.

Of course, all these are just dreamybear's theory, pls DOD.

I believe there is a certain degree of non official practice, in business, sometime it is difficult to avoid. The company if choose to close both eyes, it is dangerous. Example OKP, already have prior warning, yet one of their structure collapsed. For BWI, it seems like after several shareholders questioned the IR, the company removed the videos to avoid further speculations. The truth whether the non official practice is conducted by individual agt/disty or encouraged by the company to do so, to me, is unknown. However, I think the company might have some knowledge on it. From the IR response, it appears that BWI is practicing what the competitors had done and still doing, and they ASSUMED it is safe.

Anyway, for those who has already cash out, it is money in the pocket--safe! No one know what is going to happen tomorrow. Besides company risk in BWI, there is still ongoing market risk that one has to bear all the time. Also, there is always opportunities in the market, hence end of the day, who knows who is the greatest winner.

For those who are still invested in BWI, be rational and not bias. Sometime I also tried to justify a risky/bad investment. Nowadays I tried to be more systematic with my strategy, still learning.

Please do your due diligence, above is just my view.
Millionfaith, i like the way you put your words together. It shows you are wise in your investment decision. You have the balance of both hubris & humility which are the 2 main keys in a successful investment.

Keep up the good work!

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