In 2020, the largest proportion of household now sits at the income bracket of at least $20k.

In 2010, the biggest proportion was $3k - $4.999k.
Other than the low interest rate env, previous rounds of cooling measures to ensure affordability, rising household income, there are many residents getting very high income which may explain why the housing mkt is holding strong, and will probably continue to do so ?
While I am not a property agent, I think nowadays it is quite difficult to get a 3 bedroom leasehold condo(> 1200 sqf) in a gd location(e.g. walking distance MRT, near amenities, no expressway way noise)for less than S$1.7m ? the freehold equivalent for $2.2m & above ? Need to uncover many multi-baggers if want to upgrade .....
"Significantly, the share of households earning at least $20,000 more than doubled from 6.6 per cent to 13.9 per cent. This group also formed the largest proportion of households in 2020.
In contrast, the largest proportion in 2010 - 16.2 per cent - was for those earning between $3,000 and $4,999. "