Brooke Asia (formerly Latitude Tree International Group)

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(30-03-2013, 06:12 PM)Gaudente Wrote: With this new offer they have increased the post offer book value per share to 25 SGD cents , same as it was in 31.12.2012 consolidated financial statement.
Can't say to be happy with it , however, considering I had bought my 100,000 shares in Nov 2010 at 27 cents for their high dividend yield , dividend that last year suffered an unjustified 90% cut in spite of a much smaller reduction in earnings.
Besides, even if the most logic thing to do with a cash only company would be to disband it and distribute the cash to its shareholders, we have no assurance that's going to happen so we can't say the shares are worth their 25 cents of cash either.
Whatever way you look at it, it's a bad rip off Sad

Well the minorities can still block the deal by voting at the EGM. One can do this by attending it personally, nominate a proxy to vote on one's behalf or vote via post. The minorities can hope to delay as long as possible, cash would continue to accumulate but your money would be stuck, therefore an opportunity cost especially in a market that is rising. If the status quo is maintained, LTHB can still choose not to give out dividends to frustrate the minorities into giving in later. Wonder what the independent directors would be doing. It is a test of their credibility. But in the end, there must be an exit plan for all minorities with regard to the shell company. The cash hoard will still shrink if left by itself to pay staff and other overheads, especially when there is no revenue generated or if not reinvested. My other question is what happens to Grob Holz. Will it be a liability to the shell company? The questions, they keep coming.
(31-03-2013, 12:23 AM)VestedInterest Wrote: My other question is what happens to Grob Holz. Will it be a liability to the shell company? The questions, they keep coming.
The offer says all subsidiaries , obviously including also Grob Holz. So it will not remain with the shell company (which makes me ask wtf did they transfer it a few months ago only to take it back now Huh )    
Two recent announcements:$file/LTIG_ProposedDisposalSubsidiariesToLTHB_09052013.pdf?openelement and (can't seem to post) the latest results of LTHB which showed much improvement.

So a 10-cent dividend is proposed after sale of the Vietnam business and possibly better results for LTIG this quarter based on LTHB's results. Still, suggest not to sell unless the company can secure a good buyer for the shell company that is left. A good buyer would be another company with a good business and which can give an equally good if not better PER, div yield, etc...
The impudence of these thieves goes beyond belief... so they pay us 10 cents while holding the other 15 for them to slowly eat with corporate expenses ? Angry
I still holding 100 lots at 0.25
why keep the cash in the shell company?
just distribute the 25cents cash to the minority and delist will do.
i agreed on the below statement

""so they pay us 10 cents while holding the other 15 for them to slowly eat with corporate expenses ? Angry"" pay themselves fat bonus, but shake leg everyday
I have just received the Annual Report.
NAV at 30.06.2013 is up to 30 cents ... money we shareholders aren't ever going to see , however Angry
(27-05-2013, 12:25 PM)Gaudente Wrote: The impudence of these thieves goes beyond belief... so they pay us 10 cents while holding the other 15 for them to slowly eat with corporate expenses ? Angry
this is quite common. New Toyo divested SAH and got back 12 cents. Only paid out 2.28 cents. A miserably 20%. What does the management intend to do with the remaining 80% of cash?
(i dont have to say more)
Any idea if the majority owners would be open to an RTO?

Did they mention any intention to look for injection of assets during the AGM?
Latest developments for Brooke's Asia (prev known as above). Wonder if Admin can change the name of this thread?. Anyway it is going to change its name again after the RTO:
(08-11-2014, 02:31 PM)VestedInterest Wrote: Latest developments for Brooke's Asia (prev known as above). Wonder if Admin can change the name of this thread?. Anyway it is going to change its name again after the RTO:

Potato S-chip again??! Hahaha

Brooke is a cash company 9.6 cents cash per share (total $5m+) with before this RTO proposal.

Nothing said paying out the cash leh...Cannot be selling the listed shell, yet still need to lose cash. Like that, raw deal and Board bo cho kang.

IF pay out 9.6 cents, then the stub is 7.4 cents at current mkt price. The post RTO shares will be worth 20 cents. No mention of share consolidation. So 1 Brooke Asia is still the same 1 post-RTO share.

BTW the 5.3% of post-RTO $168 mkt cap = $9m. Listed shell worth so little meh??

Just some thots. Usual disclaimers.
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster

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