Clearbridge Health

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Interesting idea from Singapore's biggest ever stock pitch challenge open to the public.

Clearbridge Health Limited (CHL) presents itself as a rare gem in the increasingly crowded and overvalued healthcare sector. At first glance, the negative earnings of CHL paints a company in crisis. However, mitigating factors such as an aggressive expansionary policy, as well as the upcoming financial period being an inflexion point for CHL’s share price show no cause for concern. It is only by digging deeper can we start to grasp its immense potential. Being the first few to venture into the field of precision medicine, they are poised to monopolize the Asia market. Coupled with the versatility and synergy provided for by their strategic interests throughout the supply and distribution network of their offerings, as well as the steady hand of a proven management team, CHL can thrive in a market that is to grow over 270% in the next decade. Further espoused in our report, at its current valuation, CHL offers an outsized potential return of 44% in the next year, making CHL a star buy…
Opportunities for Precision Medicine in Asia
It is the pot of gold at the end of the medical rainbow—the promise that, by harnessing data, researchers can tailor drugs, devices, and treatments to the genetic configuration, lifestyle, and environment of individual patients.

Precision medicine, an emerging toolkit of ways to better understand the complex mechanisms underlying a patient’s health, disease, or condition, and to better predict which treatments will be most effective, has grown unevenly outside the United States and Western Europe. The vast pools of genomic data on which its precision relies are scarce outside of Western populations. And even when drugs have been found to be good matches for certain genetic mutations, they don’t always work.

Now in China, Singapore and elsewhere across the Asian continent, the promise of precision medicine appears to be taking hold. Recent advances in genetics and emerging methods of analyzing large data sets mean information once scarce is now increasingly available, as new companies offer low-cost sequencing of the human genome. Asian governments and universities are directing resources into bettering the genetic understanding of diseases. And companies across Asia are making inroads into research with the goal of designing drugs and other products tailored to the bodies and lifestyles of individual Asian patients.

Precision medicine employs diagnostic testing to select optimal therapies based on the context of a patient’s genetic content or other molecular or cellular analysis. Tools employed in precision medicine can include molecular diagnostics, imaging and analytics.

Many diseases today are being treated with pharmaceuticals and products that do not work with equal effectiveness across populations. And many diseases and conditions that are prevalent in Asia are not in the West. Diabetes, for example, presents differently among the average Asian than among patients in Europe and North America. Allergies also present differently and at varying rates among different populations.

Why Has Precision Medicine Grown in the West But Not in Asia?
At the heart of the promise of precision medicine is data collected from large numbers of people. But until recently, such data pools were severely limited outside of the United States, Europe and, to some extent, Japan. Since 2003, when the landmark Human Genome Project published the full genome sequence, large DNA repositories have been created. But because the research first took hold in the United States, the information has largely been the province of researchers based in the United States and Western Europe, and the databases are overwhelmingly made up of Caucasian data. The research requires large numbers of volunteers willing to share their genetic and health data, along with biospecimens from blood, urine and saliva. Advanced tests rapidly sequence large segments of a person’s DNA, or even their entire genome. The dearth of advanced healthcare information systems incorporating electronic health records in countries like India and Indonesia make it difficult to effectively capture vital patients’ data on a large scale.

Indeed, even as evidence grows that different populations may manifest the same disease very differently, and respond with significant variety to the same drug, depending on their genetic makeup, the gap in genomic data persists. Indeed, genomic data collected from people of non-European ancestry represents less than 20 percent of genomic data employed in most studies. And genomic data from Asian populations represent only about 15 percent of genomic data available worldwide. The gap is even larger when it comes to South Asia. While 25 percent of the world’s population comes from South Asia, according to estimates from the U.N., only one percent of genetic data comes from that region.

What Is Changing
With Asia’s booming economies and rising incomes pushing increased spending on healthcare, the incentive is growing for research by Asian governments, along with local and Western companies, into precision medicine solutions to diseases and conditions found most often in Asia.

Major countries like China, India and Japan are rapidly adopting modern healthcare technologies. And Asian governments are leaping forward with their own precision medicine initiatives.

The GenomeAsia100K initiative, a non-profit consortium launched in 2018 to generate genomic information for Asian populations, seeks to sequence the DNA of 100,000 people in 28 countries in Asia. The nonprofit organization plans to make the collected data available to scientists at universities and private companies.

Two years earlier, China launched its own precision medicine initiative, saying it planned to invest about $9 billion in an effort to collect, store and analyze genetic data from its population by 2030. It has partnered with pharmaceutical and medical device company WuXi AppTec to design the research facilities, and with Chinese telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., to build the cloud-based platform to support the initiative.

Singapore has followed suit. SingHealth Duke-NUS Institute of Precision Medicine is developing a genome/phenome database. Also, at the National University of Singapore, the Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS) is matching genetic profiles of cancer patients to early-phase clinical trials of new drugs.

In South Korea, the Cancer Precision Medicine Diagnosis and Treatment Enterprise (K-MASTER) joins Samsung Genome Institute, Macrogen and Korea University to study biological and genetic markers in cancers.

U.S. and Asian Companies Pioneer Precision Medicine in Asia
Bolstered by the government advances, U.S. and Asian companies are beginning to capitalize on the promise of precision medicine in the region.

In China, biopharma companies are gaining a toehold. In July, Chicago-based conglomerate GE Healthcare opened the GE Cell and Gene Therapy Asia Technology Center to train thousands of scientists in precision medicine-driven biopharma techniques. Eleven Chinese companies, among them Shanghai-based Cellular Biomedicine Group, Inc. (CBMG) and Xiangxue Pharmaceuticals co., Ltd. (XPH), in Guangzhou, are using its biopharma production process, FlexFactory.

A July 2018 joint venture paired U.S.-based DNA Chip maker Centrillion Biosciences with WeDoctor, a Chinese firm, to provide genomic analyses to patients. And in Hong Kong, both local firm Prenetics, and the U.S. company Advanced Genomic Solutions (AGS), offer genetic testing services to consumers.

In Singapore, a local pharmaceutical company, Aslan Pharmaceuticals, is using precision medicine techniques to research bile duct and gastric cancers, which are rare in the West but common in Asia.

AstraZeneca and Roche are using research that has established that a particular cell mutation that causes lung cancer in non-smokers is particularly common among Asian woman. They are developing and marketing therapies to target that mutation.

The evidence is building that such forays are just the beginning. Indeed, the precision medicine market in Asia is predicted to grow by more than 15% yearly through 2023. As the promise of precision medicine accelerates, companies that offer big data analytics, gene sequencing, pharmacogenomics and companion diagnostics are expected to be among the major players.
Tapping healthcare opportunity in Asia via private equity

THU, OCT 03, 2019 - 5:50 AM

ASIA'S historically underinvested and overstretched healthcare systems are transforming to meet demand from growing and wealthier populations. Therefore, Asia's healthcare market is growing at double-digit percentage rates, outpacing single-digit growth globally. By 2024, Asia's healthcare market size will reach US$4.2 trillion, larger than the current US and European markets combined.

Public healthcare financing falls short of plugging the annual US$60 billion funding gap. Asian governments, aware of budget constraints, are welcoming more private-sector involvement. Today, of every 10 new hospital beds built in Asia, seven are funded by the private sector.

The depth and efficiency of private capital are now essential forces in improving healthcare quality and enabling innovation in the region. Opportunities have emerged for investors to not only secure superior returns, but also create sustainable and affordable healthcare for Asia.

For example, chronic diseases associated with more affluent lifestyles are increasingly common. Yet, most Asians today pay out of their pockets for healthcare, as insurance coverage is still low and universal healthcare, where present, is largely underfunded. As a result, onerous healthcare costs have left many in financial ruin.

However, innovative and scalable business models can substantially lower costs without compromising on quality. The Asian Institute of Gastroenterology in India is one such example. With a focus on economies of scale and process efficiency, the gastric sciences hospital sees over 150,000 patients yearly, offering highly affordable healthcare with a level of quality comparable to prestigious institutions in the US. All this is anchored on its 700-bed hospital in Hyderabad, developed through a partnership with Quadria Capital, an independent healthcare private equity fund in Asia.

In Indonesia, Quadria Capital has helped SOHO Global Health to become one of the very few domestic pharmaceutical companies compliant with international standards such as US FCPA and UK ABAC. This has spurred the growth of an in-licensing platform that brings critical, life-saving drugs to low- and middle-income patients across Indonesia at a fraction of the cost compared to developed markets.

Exceptional growth in the healthcare sector has not gone unnoticed in Asia. Market capitalisations of healthcare stocks have grown by 4.4 times in emerging Asia and 3.8 times in developed Asia over the last 10 years. Some of the biggest publicly-listed firms in the Asian healthcare sector are trading at high earnings multiples, lifting valuation expectations for private firms. The healthcare private equity sector is thus enjoying significant inflows.

Private deal volumes surged from 61 in 2017 to 88 in 2018, while disclosed value more than doubled from US$7.2 billion to US$15.8 billion. Deals ranged from seed funding investments to privatisations of large public entities.

Private equity investing is often longer-term and illiquid. Capital calls make it challenging for investors to manage cash flows. Still, investors recognise that private equity is where the sweet spot lies in capturing healthcare opportunities in Asia.

However, it takes more than just money to capture these opportunities. Expertise, network and experience also matter.
Many market-leading healthcare companies with exceptional growth and an impactful value proposition are privately held. They span sectors like healthcare delivery, life sciences and associated healthcare services. These market leaders tend to be cash-rich and are not looking for pure financing deals. Rather, they are looking for strategic partners with a combination of operational and commercial healthcare expertise and international networks that can enable them to innovate further and access new markets.

Only a handful of Asian healthcare private equity managers can help them. They tend to be managers who have created value through identifying and investing in successful market leaders and, by doing so, have developed an ecosystem of proprietary relationships. In turn, this ecosystem has become a source of more exclusive investment opportunities.
With the right partners, investors can capture the transformational growth in Asian healthcare, showcasing how private equity and innovation can come together to benefit the public good.
Precision medicine allows breast cancer patient to skip chemo

Some women don't ever expect or think about getting breast cancer. Elaine Florczak's best friend had it, so it was on her radar.
"She made me promise to always get my mammograms," Elaine says.

At 74, Elaine had retired and moved out of the Northwest suburbs to Whitewater, Wisconsin, but that didn't stop her from continuing to see NCH physicians for her care.

"This year, I had my mammogram set up -- I go every May," Elaine explains. "About a week before my exam, I was in the shower and I felt like I pulled something and then I felt a lump."

The mammogram and other diagnostic tests done at the NCH Breast Center in Arlington Heights revealed Elaine had stage II invasive lobular carcinoma. In July, she underwent breast conservation lumpectomy surgery with sentinel lymph node biopsy -- the most common operation performed by Dr. Allyson Jacobson, medical director of the NCH Breast Program.
Precision medicine

"Elaine had a very good result," Jacobson explains, adding that precision medicine played a role in allowing her to skip chemotherapy.

Precision medicine looks at cancer's molecular makeup to understand how it's going to behave in a patient based on well-designed, mature clinical studies.

"After her surgery, her test came back with a low risk score of 14, so the good news is she had no need for chemotherapy," says Dr. Stephen Nigh, a radiation oncologist who oversaw Elaine's radiation therapy treatments.
"Elaine's therapy involved C-RAD technology that allows us to line patients up precisely," Nigh says. "She had a total of 20 treatments, which she tolerated very well and is expected to make a full recovery."
Many specialists at NCH -- including technicians, breast patient navigators, radiologists, medical oncologists, pathologists and surgeons -- provide multidisciplinary care for patients.
"We all work very closely as a team to care for patients," Nigh explains.
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