Why do investors like 'street' art? Because $200 can turn into half a million

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Why do investors like 'street' art? Because $200 can turn into half a million

Rohini Samtani
Published 1:15 AM ET Thu, 24 Aug 2017  | Updated 1:26 AM ET Thu, 24 Aug 2017

From being dismissed as illegal vandalism to selling for millions of dollars in galleries — street art is going mainstream, and it's appealing to investors for a simple reason: It's cheap at the start.

Steve Lazarides, the man credited with bringing well-known street artist Banksy into the commercial art industry told CNBC that street art boasts a strong return on investment.

"Going back a decade, if you take one of those artworks that I sold for 149.99 pounds ($192.10), something of that value at that time would be worth upwards of 300,000 to 400,000 pounds ($384,000 to $512,000). So that's a pretty good return in your investment in a 10-year period," said Lazarides, who now owns Lazarides Rathbone, a gallery in London dedicated to selling street art.

From 149.99 to 400,000 would be a more than 266,584 percent increase.

More details in https://www.cnbc.com/2017/08/24/why-do-i...llion.html
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