Feel chatty.
Actually, being a value buddies is very frustrating.
Most of the time we are able to spot a good company easily.
(how else? just by reading vb.com law)
I dare says that especially during difficult times,
it's easier to spot a good company.
E.g. Most season value buddies can quickly name
"Top 5 most under-value company in SGX", etc
However, we are (or I am definitely) very *unhappy* that
these top 5 companies are already running up.
The price is usually not right (for me).
Once, I saw one Value buddies mentioned that his bro
is using 52 weeks low as a starting point for choosing
under value stocks
- this really put a smile on my face.
I enjoy doing this too.
Especially if these 52 weeks low stocks met my criteria
then it will be a easy buy
at the "right" price (quickly).
If not, at least, the waiting is not too long (relatively to non-52 week low stock).
Of course, season valuebuddies say this is very dangerous.
And, I agrees, we must know our limit ($),
our temperament is especially important
when buying un-loved cheap stocks.
Like the saying:
Cheap can be cheaper.

I don't know about you, this could be an edge for me.
(picking stocks from 52 week low listing).
Why bother to waste your time reading so many "other" company news?
Must well spend time doing what you like?
like this:

Love Compassion