The world's biggest coal reserves is in US but there are a lot of green lobbies as you say, also obama has a new war on coal. They trying to move away from coal to gas which will affect coal industry and mining.
All this I see is part of the global warming campaign that each country have targets to meet to reduce their release of carbon dioxide or greenhouse emissions. The biggest polluter is obviously China as they are the worlds biggest coal user. The second biggest polluter is yours truly america
so obviously they are pointing the finger at coal so if obama policy it comes to pass I don't really see will have very much development in their coal industry in the future.
Video: the plan to destroy coal industry in america
It's just like biodiesel in europe, if they produce their own rape and soyabeans they have to subsidise farmers so what they do is outsource the whole thing to south east asia, cheap good and no need to handle any environment green groups.
The same thing happened to rare earths, califonia mountain pass was the biggest rare earths mine in the world but from the 80's more environment regulation started hampering and making mining difficult and expensive so they started going downhill and finally shut the mine. Then to avoid all these problems they outsourced the whole thing to china which at that time had very low regulation and no green lobby groups ever dare to operate in china.
Back to coal the largest coal users in the world is China and India.
India is heavily dependant on Indonesia coal. They are sending people out to the whole world look for energy supplies to feed their booming economy.
Indonesia's has coal reserves of around 21 billion tonnes that's only 3 pct of the worlds current total but they are the biggest exporter of coal in the world so this a very important export and currency earner. An export tax will hurt exports and hurt themselves.
Vested in coal related companies
All this I see is part of the global warming campaign that each country have targets to meet to reduce their release of carbon dioxide or greenhouse emissions. The biggest polluter is obviously China as they are the worlds biggest coal user. The second biggest polluter is yours truly america

Video: the plan to destroy coal industry in america
It's just like biodiesel in europe, if they produce their own rape and soyabeans they have to subsidise farmers so what they do is outsource the whole thing to south east asia, cheap good and no need to handle any environment green groups.
The same thing happened to rare earths, califonia mountain pass was the biggest rare earths mine in the world but from the 80's more environment regulation started hampering and making mining difficult and expensive so they started going downhill and finally shut the mine. Then to avoid all these problems they outsourced the whole thing to china which at that time had very low regulation and no green lobby groups ever dare to operate in china.

Back to coal the largest coal users in the world is China and India.
India is heavily dependant on Indonesia coal. They are sending people out to the whole world look for energy supplies to feed their booming economy.
Indonesia's has coal reserves of around 21 billion tonnes that's only 3 pct of the worlds current total but they are the biggest exporter of coal in the world so this a very important export and currency earner. An export tax will hurt exports and hurt themselves.
Vested in coal related companies