I'm a Singer 3 --- Kit Chan 《我是歌手3》陈洁仪

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Kit Chan out of I Am A Singer
By Gwendolyn Ng

Singer Kit Chan, 42, has become the first contestant ousted on the popular China singing reality contest I Am A Singer.

Though she teared up at the news of her elimination on the show that was aired Friday night, she says that has no regrets.

"I am not playing to win, but I wanted to make sure that I use this platform to showcase who I am now, and what I do best and believe in at this point in my life as a person and a performer."

The results are based on the votes of the 500-strong audience in the studio.

Chan is the first Singaporean singer to take part in the contest. It pits professional singers against one another. There are no details on when the show will air in Singapore.

Chinese media reports say that her elimination could have been due in part to her relative obscurity among the Chinese audience, compared to her competitors such as Hong Kong's Leo Ku and China's Han Hong.

See more at ST
She has earned the support of netizens, just read the comments in Youtube
《我是歌手 3》第一期 陈洁仪歌声《心动》
《我是歌手 3》第二期 陈洁仪《心如刀割》
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enjoyed her xin dong, very nice indeed... Big Grin
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You can watch Kit Chan at 36:00

《我是歌手》第三季第3期完整版 I Am A Singer 3 EP3 Full

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陈洁仪《左右手》-《我是歌手 3》第12期单曲纯享 I Am A Singer 3 EP12 Song: Kit Chan Performance【湖南卫视官方版】

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