Viz Branz

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Another announcement today (14Dec11) initiated by the IDs to attempt to clear the air of uncertainty following the legal settlement of a dispute between Senior Chng (CKP) and Junior Chng (CBB) on an approx. 15% block of Viz Branz shares.....$file/UpdateToShareholders_14Dec11.pdf?openelement

Reading in-between the lines, I get a strange feeling that either CKP or CBB has the intention to privatize Viz Branz. What do fellow forumers think?
Junior Chng wants to privatize, Senior Chng not agreeable?

1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
it is a bit confusing. earlier I remembered that the son is supposed to help his father to apply for exemption of making a GO. If the son is not acting in concert with his father, the father must make a GO. Maybe that's why the father thinks that they should be acting in concert according to the settlement agreement? or did the son change his mind about the settlement?
i hope vizbranz don't GO. this is my cashcow..and i often said to a friend who happened to be the son of listed competitor super coffeemix - 'i am happier vested in vizbranz than with super"!..;p
(14-12-2011, 11:35 PM)pianist Wrote: i hope vizbranz don't GO. this is my cashcow..and i often said to a friend who happened to be the son of listed competitor super coffeemix - 'i am happier vested in vizbranz than with super"!..;p

Ask your friend to have Super offer a good price for viz Branz that both father and son cannot resist!Tongue
M sure super is keen on viz branz's china biz!
Viz Branz has completed the acquisition of a new subsidiary - Goldwaves Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd - which is engaged in the 'roast and ground coffee' business in Shanghai.....

More info on the new subsidiary from the earlier announcement on 8Nov11.....

At a certain point in the future, mainland Chinese in the big cities (like Shanghai, Beijing) will follow the global trend to become regular coffee drinkers.
By OCBC investment research:
Reference to the announcement made on 19 December 2011, wherein it was announced that the acquisition of the entire interest in Goldwaves Food (Shanghai) Co., Ltd ("GFS") by Viz Branz Limited (the "Company") from Coffex Coffee (S) Pte Ltd was approved by the local authorities of the People's Republic of China.

The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to announce that GFS has been officially taken over by the Company on 13 January 2012.
(13-12-2011, 06:43 PM)dydx Wrote: Just like what happened 2 years ago (in Dec09), Viz Branz has just declared another 'CNY Hongbao' interim dividend of $0.003/share - the 1st dividend for FY12 ending 30Jun12, and coming early! - will be paid on 16Jan12.....

Just checked my bank account and noted a nice credit from this first Interim dividend for FY12. The money has come in handy for the CNY!
Trading halted at 1149 hours this morning.....

It looks like a non-routine announcement!

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