Annuity - Should it be in your portfolio?

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Looking for ways to spice up your portfolio?

Stan The Annuity Man is an annuity specialist and nationally recognized annuity critic. Stan is the author of the highly acclaimed book, The Annuity Stanifesto. With over 25 years of experience in the financial services industry, he has developed unique proprietary annuity strategies that have been adopted throughout the annuity industry. Stan The Annuity Man specializes in providing clarity and best-fit annuity options customized to deliver the guaranteed portion of your portfolio. As an independent (non-captive) annuity resource, he focuses on asset protection and solutions for lifetime income, legacy, and full control long-term care. Stan The Annuity Man has been called the national consumer advocate for annuities, and he speaks across the country about how annuities should properly work within a portfolio. Stan The Annuity Man lives in Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida and has clients nationwide. You can learn more at
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Typical stock market investors hear the word "annuity" and immediately equate these transfer of risk strategies with poison-like side effects.
That’s a short sided view. Annuity contractual guarantees can actually enhance your current investing acumen and cohabitation status.
Do you have the ‘annuity flu’?
A good friend of mine is a world-class money manager, and tells me that every time he breaks down annuity numbers in comparison to his market guru strategies, he gets the "annuity flu." I keep telling him that is never going to change if you compare annuities to investments.
Annuities aren't investments. They are contractually guaranteed transfer of risk strategies that solve for things like lifetime income, legacy, or principal protection. If you are trying to validate annuities using your market brain, then stop the insanity now. The question you need to ask yourself is if you died tomorrow, are contractual guarantees in place so that your significant other can continue their current lifestyle uninterrupted without having to manage the assets or oversee and trust someone who does?
GID — Guaranteed income dysfunction
We’ve all seen the purple pill "performance" type ads, and no, we’re not talking about stock market performance — but wouldn’t it be great if all it took was a little pill to spice up your portfolio.
Guaranteed income dysfunction, GID, is a term that I coined to describe you market mavens out there that think you can provide the income needed for your spouse or beneficiaries without contractual guarantees in place. After the markets have closed on your life, most spouses will only care about seeing their kids and grand kids, and maintaining their desired lifestyle. You know that’s the truth.
Don't confuse a bull market with genius
Everyone is a guru dart thrower in markets like the ones we’re currently experiencing. If you are starting to get cocky or thinking that you actually understand how markets work and that you can compete with the big boys now, I have one thing to say to you. Slow down Sparky! Don't confuse a raging straight-up bull market with genius. Remember that the pros are betting both ways, not just north, and are better than you.
After the 2008 debacle, marital bliss in many homes was disrupted by the cacophony of verbal knives stabbing away with libido-numbing "I told you so’s." Guaranteeing a lifetime income stream that your spouse or beneficiaries cannot outlive can prevent this horrible crow-eating event.
If "they" know the guarantees are in place, your investing habits and obsessions will be looked upon like fishing or golf. Annoying at times, perhaps expensive, but harmless.
Your spouse is right about wanting contractual guarantees in place even if that means missing some of your precious market runs. Down deep you know that they’re right, as always. As for my claim that annuity guarantees can improve your love life, I'm still looking for the insurance carrier to fund the study to validate what I already know to be true.
Your better half will love you for making sure that everything is contractually taken care of when you pass away. The sooner you can check that box for them, the sooner you can enjoy the potential spoils and ongoing good will.

Should annuity in your portfolio at all?
How much is truth? How much is sale talk?

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.

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