Where can I find these 2 items....

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Hope this is the correct place for this thread. I was wondering where would I be able to find a stock screener program for the Singapore exchange? So far I've only been able to find screeners for overseas markets.

And also where do you guys go to find out the PE ratios of indices such as the STI. Which magazines, websites? I REALLY don't want to be calculating it on my own....

Thanks in advance =)
I think most of the investors here do the hard way.haha.
Download one company AR or financial statement.
Download another company AR or financial statement.
Download another company AR or financial statement.

There is a share investment book that is sold in bookshop or kiosk that met your kind of requirements but it hardly covered all the stocks(especially the illiquid stocks).

As for STI PE ratio, I don't think the info is available easily.

I'm using DBS vickers, they have a tool that has screens by P/E, P/B etc. Works good for me except that I can't filter those that has P/E of 0. For P/Es of the STI itself, I believe the Financial Times publishes it. Should be on their online edition as well if you have a subscription and I heard that bloomberg terminals have it as well. The only place I know of that has a bloomberg terminal available for public use is the National Library on Victoria St.

Having said this, me belief is that screens are good for narrowing down your search. The next steps of knowing the company operations, business model, financials, industry characteristics are the more important bits which take time and effort to plough through.
I use the screener that's available on DBS Vickers. It screens for P/E, P/B and a whole host of other criteria. Whether the nos. the screen's based on is accurate or not is another matter but so far it's worked for me.

The Financial Times (FT), i believe, publishes the P/E of various markets based on previous day closing. I'm not sure if this is a daily affair or a weekly thing but it was there the one time I happened to pick up a copy of FT. It's probably available on their website as well although you may need a subscription to access it. Otherwise, bloomberg terminals should have such info. The one I know of, available for public use is at the National Library on Victoria Street.

Having said this, I believe screens are useful only for narrowing down the search. It doesn't take away the more important step of knowing the industry, business model and financials of the company whose stock you are interested in.
Ah thanks for the replies. That is very helpful to me. I shall check out the Fiancial Times and the DBSvickers web application. Yup, as u mentioned, I just want to narrow down my search instead of ploughing through everything.

Does anyone have additional information on where to get PE ratios for indices (e.g. STI) and stock screeners for Singapore market? Free or paid, does not matter.
I've recently subscribed to the share investor portal, and It's such a breeze pulling out the past yrs summarized financials of sgx listed companies for my first round screening before poring over their AR. It saves me valuable time, and I think the $80+ annual subscription fee is well worth it!
Plus it conveniently links the ARs so I can read them on my iPad at the comfort of my bed!
Wow.. Shareinvestor sounds good. It seems that I am quite sua-ku.Sad


Related info about STI - dividend and PE in my other thread:


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