Just spoke to my financial planner. She recommended me a fund which consists of Managed Futures, and said the 10-year compounded return is 11.7% per annum (after expenses). This fund used to be open to Accredited Investors only, but it was only recently that it was open to retail investors (new tranche being sold). She mentioned that the Fund is listed on FTSE and has a weekly quote, hence is liquid and is also transparent. I have not got the Term Sheet yet, but will post it here for comments once I get it.
A few questions immediately come to mind:-
1. If this Fund is so popular, why open up to retail investors? Might as well continue getting funds from Accredited Investors.
2. The Fund uses computerized algorithms to trade futures in 150 countries, and covers all sorts of futures. If the returns are so good, why bother collecting Management fees and Performance Fees? Might as well trade on your own and earn the super returns.
3. It is supposed to perform in both Up and Down markets, and is NOT correlated to the performance of the stock market. How does it then achieve the 11.7% compounded return (after expenses, no doubt, which means the actual gross return is much higher).
4. Why is my financial planner “selling†this Fund to me? How does she stand to gain from it?
Comments are most welcome. Thanks!
A few questions immediately come to mind:-
1. If this Fund is so popular, why open up to retail investors? Might as well continue getting funds from Accredited Investors.
2. The Fund uses computerized algorithms to trade futures in 150 countries, and covers all sorts of futures. If the returns are so good, why bother collecting Management fees and Performance Fees? Might as well trade on your own and earn the super returns.
3. It is supposed to perform in both Up and Down markets, and is NOT correlated to the performance of the stock market. How does it then achieve the 11.7% compounded return (after expenses, no doubt, which means the actual gross return is much higher).
4. Why is my financial planner “selling†this Fund to me? How does she stand to gain from it?
Comments are most welcome. Thanks!

My Value Investing Blog: http://sgmusicwhiz.blogspot.com/