China Economic News

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(27-03-2020, 07:08 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: The Second Virus Shockwave Is Hitting China’s Factories Already

China production has recovered almost fully. For those that are followers of supply side economics maybe can help explain how global economy will recover just because supply is there?

Sounds like MMT is also in the same basket. Focusing on the mechanics rather than the reason: need, demand, behavioural or otherwise.

(18-03-2020, 01:00 PM)specuvestor Wrote: And also China capacity is ramping up to 90% levels so I don't think will take 6 months to recover. There are more than a dozen provinces supposedly free from cases. Problem is whether global demand will recover fast enough for companies to survive.
Before you speak, listen. Before you write, think. Before you spend, earn. Before you invest, investigate. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. Before you quit, try. Before you retire, save. Before you die, give. –William A. Ward

Think Asset-Business-Structure (ABS)
China’s first report of coronavirus symptom-free carriers shows 130 new cases

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Seem to be pretty optimistic.

Record tourist numbers since Covid-19 expected for China’s Labour Day, boosting hopes for domestic tourism recovery
16 Apr 2020 George Yeo, former Singapore Minister wrote about Covid-19 and it's impact in a simple and easy to understand manner.
(click to read)

At 10am on Saturday April 4, which was Qing Ming or China’s All Souls Day, sirens rang across the country for three minutes. 
The entire country paused to mourn all those who succumbed to COVID-19. 
It was a moment of national solidarity after a terrifying experience which seared the collective memory. 
According to official figures, over 3,300 Chinese died out of a total of over 83,000 infected. 
A few western reports have cast doubt on these numbers much to the indignation of Chinese authorities. 
Even if there were significantly more infections and deaths, it does not change the overall picture.
Provided it can prevent a second round of the epidemic, China is now in pole position to lead the world out of global recession. 
It is now the only tunnel with bright light at the end of it. China’s leaders will naturally want to turn this to political advantage. 
Already we see how China doles out masks and other material (either by outright donation or through export licenses) to foreign countries based on political considerations. 
As its economy recovers, we can expect China to offer preferential access to its domestic market to friendly countries along the Belt and Road. 
For the US and Europe, China will try to make use of its current advantage to blunt anti-China sentiments and build long-term relations.
Anti-China sentiments in the west have gone from bad to worse in recent years caused partly by fear of a rising China and party by a clash of civilizational values. 
Even among those who admire China’s success in overcoming COVID-19 there is antipathy towards China’s authoritarian ways. 
When the Central Government shut down Wuhan, the people of Wuhan had no say in the decision. 
When President Trump considered shutting down New York City, Government Cuomo objected furiously. In China, national interest comes before human rights. 
In the liberal west, there is continuous tension between the two which is the source of western creativity from the time of Greece and Rome. 
It is interesting to compare the national reaction to two whistleblowers 
- China’s Dr Li Wenliang who first sounded the alarm in Wuhan and Captain Brett Crozier who publicized the deteriorating situation onboard USS Theodore Roosevelt. 
Both men came down with the virus. 
In Dr Li’s case, he has been officially vindicated after his death and the dossier is closed by central edict. 
In Captain Crozier’s case, the debate will never cease whatever the White House might say. 
China and the US are built on different foundations, each having the weakness of its strength. Global cooperation requires each to accept the other for what it is.

Provided China does not overplay its hand this round, it may emerge a big winner out of the COVID-19 pandemic. 
It must curb the tendency of its officials to be overly truculent in their defense of China’s position or condescending in their treatment of lesser powers. 
It will do well to heed Winston Churchill’s wise words: In defeat, defiance; in victory, magnanimity; in peace, goodwill. 
At the recent Extraordinary G-20 Leaders Summit conducted through videoconference, 
President Xi Jinping called for greater international cooperation to fight the pandemic and to revive the global economy through coordination of macro-economic policy and facilitation of trade.

More from George on China:

Stay home, stay safe and stay healthy, my friend.
The headline is probably exaggerated and not indicative of base rates. But there is no denying that the Chinese market has been on a tear in the last 1-2 weeks, with the benchmark SSE having rose ~15% since start of July

‘No Way I Can Lose’: Inside China’s Stock-Market Frenzy

Like millions of amateur investors across China, Min Hang has become infatuated with the country’s surging stock market.

“There’s no way I can lose,” said the 36-year-old, who works at a technology startup and opened her first trading account in Beijing on Tuesday. “Right now, I’m feeling invincible.”

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