1st Aug 2014 - Singapore to launch market reforms, sets minimum trading price

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(05-08-2014, 09:17 PM)greengiraffe Wrote: Hi Buddy,

I m speaking my mind from an ex-remiser perspective. SGX has nothing to help the industry with their mentality over the years... Its always the big fish that got away while the ikan bilis really suffered historically.

The current state of the market is due to huge losses suffered by the man in the street due to lack of knowledge on their part but also the universe that is being presented to them.

Till today, I still cannot understand why shouldn't there is a decent lunch time for dealers/remisers. Volumes hasn't picked up at all despite non stop trading. Conversely, i think more hidden stress has been added to dealers/remisers for not being able to have peace during lunch breaks.

Whoever think of such inhumane way of treating their own compatroits still don't have the humanity to even apologise... sad... I stand by my words and I mean it - dealers/remisers are still human and deserves to be treated like human beings with some basic human rights - its a peaceful lunch that they forked out hard earned $ to pay for and they should be able to enjoy it.

Having said all these, I m not casting Argentina crisis on SGX... you can verify my original posts. The CLOB, the internet bubble, the S-Chips and the upcoming mining and resources rubbish will keep depleting the wealth of the innocents. Otherwise, why would you think valuebuddies is such a well followed forum - cause we upheld high quality postings...


Well, I listen to all inputs, both negative and positive. In fact, I enjoy listening, and I hate talking Big Grin

I do agree on most points on SGX's "list-to-improve", e.g. S-Chip saga, but no too sure on CLOB and Internet bubble, which might be beyond SGX

For the no lunch break. It is no lunch break for the exchange, not for the dealers/remisiers. I checked with my broker, nothing seems changed, he is still having decent lunch break, and networking as usual. The only difference is, he brought along his iPad, which hardly used.

FYI, base on wiki, most exchanges don't have lunch break, except exchanges in Japan, HK, and China. May be no lunch break isn't too inhuman after all. Big Grin

“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
If co. say no lunch break, we still can go for "kopi/tea/smoke" breaks mah.. Tongue
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 
(05-08-2014, 04:29 PM)GPD Wrote: What is the rational behind that MTP of 20cts? Even if coy consolidate shares, if their business turned sour and investor/traders dumped the shares, it might still drop to 20cts. Worse case tons of sellers at 20cts but no buyers. In the end it might still hit whatever floor price SGX set. I don't see any difference between 0.1cts and 20cts. It doesn't change the fundamental of the biz.
perhaps there will be a circuit breaker installed at 20cent threshold in both directions...beyond which there will be an auto suspension..hee hee

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