PACC Offshore Services Holdings (POSH)

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fooding's quoted numbers are in S$, while POSH's results are in US$. The numbers are about right looking at the recent USD:SGD rates of 1.35-1.36+.
(28-08-2017, 06:27 PM)Debronic Wrote: fooding's quoted numbers are in S$, while POSH's results are in US$. The numbers are about right looking at the recent USD:SGD rates of 1.35-1.36+.

ah~~~ Thanks! It solves the mystery why did the gearing ratio looked the same to me between the quarterly reports (USD) and SGXStockFact.
Generally , many O&G assets are worth less then its book values .
If another round of impairment to be carried out , how much shareholder fund will be wiped out ?
“risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”
I don’t look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.
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PACC Offshore Services Holdings gives notice that:
(i) it has recorded pre-tax losses for the three (3) most recently completed consecutive financial years (based on audited full year consolidated accounts); and
(ii) its latest 6-month average daily market capitalisation as at 01/04/2019 is S$360.66 million
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.
POSH warns on troubled joint venture with Ezion
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share offer $0.215
(04-11-2019, 11:03 PM)new-comer1 Wrote: share offer $0.215

Listed in Y2014 at $1.15.
Offer to take private in Y2019 at $0.215.
Value destruction of ~35% per year. 

WONDERFUL................ for the owners.
SADNESS..................... for the retail investors.
There are no good stocks. Stocks are only good when they go up after you bought them.
(05-11-2019, 09:58 AM)level13 Wrote:
(04-11-2019, 11:03 PM)new-comer1 Wrote: share offer $0.215

Listed in Y2014 at $1.15.
Offer to take private in Y2019 at $0.215.
Value destruction of ~35% per year. 

WONDERFUL................ for the owners.
SADNESS..................... for the retail investors.

As a long time shareholder and reader in this forum, really can't help to register and rant on this stock.

The problem with such small company is the major shareholder can easily manipulate the share price through proxies or indirectly by controlling the financial announcement or through their interaction with other minority shareholders.

I attended the AGM and the Chairman was super bochup attitude in his answers to queries while the CEO keep boasting and don't come to the point when some shareholders asked valid questions. Now I know why they behave like that.

Suddenly latest financial result take big impairment chalk up big loses to lower the NAV, make the company look bad so that their offer looks good. Classic playbook of whacking down the stock price followed by a "generous" offer above the rock bottom price. That's why SGX always cannot get good companies to list here, so many years already with the same sleazy businessman trying the same trick and no improvement at all.

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