Be very careful of such schemes which promise unsustainable returns! Now it is affecting Gold as well. See attached article from TODAY. 
Some promise returns of 4% per quarter (16% per annum) while others offer 9% every 6 months (18% per annum). These are all above the long-term average provided by equities (6-8%) over the long-term, and therefore should be deemed speculative. I highly suspect most of these are Ponzi Schemes, which is why they run into "cash flow problems".

Some promise returns of 4% per quarter (16% per annum) while others offer 9% every 6 months (18% per annum). These are all above the long-term average provided by equities (6-8%) over the long-term, and therefore should be deemed speculative. I highly suspect most of these are Ponzi Schemes, which is why they run into "cash flow problems".
My Value Investing Blog: