Riots in Little India

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Just want to say that discussing about govt policies is not pulling in political links. related but not the same.

And Singaporeans have been apathetic since I was in JC. So it is nothing new. Esp we were seen as worker bees in warped Singapore Inc model.

At least, now Singaporeans not so apolitical...
"... but quitting while you're ahead is not the same as quitting." - Quote from the movie American Gangster
Good evening Cityfarmer san and All.
SARS. Everyone should remember how scary SARS was. How many doctors and nurses sacrifices their lives to save lives. Everyone is watching the YouTube clip on the riot. If your kids ask you why is this happening, how are you going to explain to them? If we don't teach them the right thing, who is going to? Remember Ah Boys To Men part 2, leave no men behind. If I need to defend my country and loved ones ,I will. This will be my last post in this thread. If you think it is inappropriate, you may delete this post.
Not a call to Buy or Sell

Mr Bump: All I Can Smell Is My FEAR
(11-12-2013, 09:43 PM)kbl Wrote: Good evening Cityfarmer san and All.
SARS. Everyone should remember how scary SARS was. How many doctors and nurses sacrifices their lives to save lives. Everyone is watching the YouTube clip on the riot. If your kids ask you why is this happening, how are you going to explain to them? If we don't teach them the right thing, who is going to? Remember Ah Boys To Men part 2, leave no men behind. If I need to defend my country and loved ones ,I will. This will be my last post in this thread. If you think it is inappropriate, you may delete this post.

Since I am one of the persons been addressed, I should voiced up my view.

If the truth can be told by just few minutes video clip, than our world will be much simpler, but the fact it can't. We should never rely on one-side view. This forum provides a platform for views. I never filter any views, but no rumours, unfounded allegations, and inappropriate posts.

I don't know the truth of the riot. I will rely on more news/stories/feedback/COI to decipher the truth, and I will not jump into any conclusion now

My kid is still too young to understand it. If she can, I will tell her the same story, and will go thru the process with her.

More will come.

“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
(11-12-2013, 04:38 PM)specuvestor Wrote: The fact that Some-one cannot comprehend how Blumont is foreseeable or Little India riot is linked to policies render our discussion fruitless.

He is entitled to his opinions in his discrete world and I am entitled to my rational posts where events have a catalyst, which I think my posts in aggregate and historically has not been deemed nonsensical nor sensational I hope.

The next few weeks when tempers calm we will see what transpired, and whether my mosiac effort is right or just false assumptions

I didn't know that there is a difference between your post and my post. Mine is deemed as discreet and yours is deemed as rational. Perhaps Cityfarmer may wish to clarify if there is such a difference for different posts? Smile

It's good to have different opinions. I have been lucky enough to be given a chance to counsel some of the workers and it is definitely not what some people have perceived it to be and I am still cool (i.e. no temper). Social work has given me a different perspective in life. Human behaviours have never been predictable. Smile

Whether your effort is right or just false assumption, I would applaud you whichever way. Nothing to celebrate, nothing to defend unless one just takes everything written here as a "battle". Either win to reinforce your own belief or lose and enforce your own belief. Whichever way, life would still go on as normal. No trumpet, no booing. I would also accept whatever the conclusion is after (emphasis added) investigation is completed.
(11-12-2013, 04:28 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:20 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 02:41 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 01:45 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 12:58 PM)specuvestor Wrote: I will also assume we are having a rational discussion here

Assumptions are not wrong by itself as long as 1) reasonable 2) not misguided. Assuming Iraq has WMD was a reasonable assumption as Rumsfeld and Saddam was best of pals and US been supplying Iraq most of their weapons... but it was misguided. Assuming a value trap stock is deep value is well guided by financials but unreasonable when one doesn't look at the management and major shareholders' track record to OPMI.
Again, let me say that assumption is neither right nor wrong. It is right because you think is right. An assumption can be proven wrong. Of course, if one denies that it is wrong and stick to his own judgement. Nothing would help.

As value investors we have the skill set to separate noise from facts. As posted by others there were a lot of misinformation based on my memory:
Yes, we do. We have the skill set to separate but do we know what is noise and what is fact? A fact is only true if it is proven. Otherwise, it is just opinion without facts.

1) Chinese speeding bus driver hit indian man
>> To my memory. There has never been a chinese speeding bus driver. I don't know where you get this information from.

2) Bangladeshi worker died and riot by Bangladesh (which was interesting because the Bangladeshi Consulate denied and clarified few times)
>> To my memory, I read that a foreign worker was knocked down. Again, I don't know where you get this information

3) Singaporean bus hit foreign worker
4) 400 drunk rioters
To my memory, it is only rioters and not drunken rioters.

These misinformation sensationalises news but helps nothing, but flame misinformation, fear and hatred.

>> I guess I have already say that since we do not know anything, let's just keep watch and listen to the news. If that is what you think in the first place, there would not have been so much misinformation which you claim. You can just filter off and continue to do your other things.

What we know now is that it was an "internal issue" ie the bus was chartered by Avery Lodge to send their OWN workers back. The attack on the bus and bus driver and conductor was to avenge their own co-worker who just a minute ago was chased out the bus and now under it. It is likely to be compounded by the impatient bus-driver (another assumption if u take the 6pm buses u can visualise what transpired. No offence to bus drivers as they have their own frustrations and KPIs... the conductor was noted as a time-keeper) Frankly I am not surprised if any of us in this forum would have been so angry as to hit or scream at the driver for causing the death. If the attack is constrained to the bus, then it is simply mob justice.

But the attack on the ambulance and police indicates something deeper. As per posted, the wealth divide and affluence works both ways, the foreigner workers vs Singaporeans, and also Singaporeans towards the uber rich. The election results clearly show the latter and the govt is adjusting. I think most people here underestimate PAP's concern... they are not stupid, but they are willing to take a policy bet on the 6.9m population which is backfiring.
>> Again, you are saying that it is indicating something deeper. Is that so? Or is that what you think is so? Do you have all the correct information on your hand? Also, let us just stick to topic and not navigate it away to politics.

This is not hindside. I have posted in various thread that a pure capitalistic model advocated by Goh and enshrined as Singapore Inc will not work as social backlash will come. From SMRT to SBS to now the riot. Those who believe in pure capitalistic model have not studied history. Even the Woodstock for Capitalists Buffett do not believe in it.

>> Let us just not go into politics in a thread that is talking about riots. You got your own vote. I got my own vote. Let us just respect the electorate.

And I am no prophet, these are as foreseeable as the bust in Blumont if we remian rational amidst the noise. Question is nobody knows when and everyone likes to make hay while the sun still shines. The govt under LHL knows this and they are adjusting but the brain-wash by Goh era will take some time for people to realise that non-quality GDP growth is not sustainable. The principle itself is wrong. I hope Singaporeans and the leaders will realise it sooner rather than later, before our efforts in the past 50 years go down the drain

>> Again, you are linking it to politics. See above. Let's just keep to the thread itself. what I can only say is that if it is as forseeable, there would not be so many people taking losses on Blumont.

As written above. Definitely, it can be a rational discussion but it cannot be assumed that there would be a rational discussion.
But i learn from Simple Simon:-
Iif you put your hand behind your head and touch your nose, you will realise at the end of the day, it's money(livelihood) and politics man.

Talking about the Riot only?
And only Riot?

How can a human beings not be political?
We human are all political animals through and through.
If not how can G existed in the 1st place?
Is there such things as Clean Politics and Dirty politics?
i am not sure until today leh.

Again, let me just say that this topic is about rioting in Little India. Mixing politics in the equation just complicates the whole thread. Each of us have our own grievance to address and writing in a forum like this would not be useful. I have seen how politics can ruin a perfectly good thread.

How can a human being not be political? I, for one, is not political and I am still a human being. The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election.

Ha! Ha!
If not political, why are you worrying?
By participating here, you already show you are political.
You are trying to make us buy your view, isn't it?

>> I guess you are just assuming that this thread is political? That's not what I think. The title already says that it is on the riot in Little India. It is the posters who linked it politically. I didn't say anything about buying view. It's what you are assuming. Smile

You said:-
"The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election."

So are you saying, we all should leave our brains behind after every GE for 5 years no matter what happens in our beloved Singapore?
(Of course we have too in a manner. Unless there is a By-Election within this 5 years )
>> Again, this is what you are saying. I did not say anything on it.

But can't we, as Singaporeans have the rights to comment or show our displeasure on G's policies if they affect our lives adversely?
>> Definitely, each of us has a right to comment. You can comment whatever you want but it would not be useful as far as this thread is concerned.

i am really sorry i don't understand your thinking, here.

Well, there's no need for you to understand my thinking. Why try so hard? You can stick to whatever you think is right. As simple as that.
(11-12-2013, 10:03 PM)CityFarmer Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 09:43 PM)kbl Wrote: Good evening Cityfarmer san and All.
SARS. Everyone should remember how scary SARS was. How many doctors and nurses sacrifices their lives to save lives. Everyone is watching the YouTube clip on the riot. If your kids ask you why is this happening, how are you going to explain to them? If we don't teach them the right thing, who is going to? Remember Ah Boys To Men part 2, leave no men behind. If I need to defend my country and loved ones ,I will. This will be my last post in this thread. If you think it is inappropriate, you may delete this post.

Since I am one of the persons been addressed, I should voiced up my view.

If the truth can be told by just few minutes video clip, than our world will be much simpler, but the fact it can't. We should never rely on one-side view. This forum provides a platform for views. I never filter any views, but no rumours, no unfounded allegations, and inappropriate posts.

I don't know the truth of the riot. I will rely on more news/stories/feedback/COI to decipher the truth, and I will not jump into any conclusion now

My kid is still too young to understand it. If she can, I will tell her the same story, and will go thru the process with her.

More will come.


Good. This is how a rational person should be thinking. Smile
(11-12-2013, 11:08 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:28 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:20 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 02:41 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 01:45 PM)Some-one Wrote: As written above. Definitely, it can be a rational discussion but it cannot be assumed that there would be a rational discussion.
But i learn from Simple Simon:-
Iif you put your hand behind your head and touch your nose, you will realise at the end of the day, it's money(livelihood) and politics man.

Talking about the Riot only?
And only Riot?

How can a human beings not be political?
We human are all political animals through and through.
If not how can G existed in the 1st place?
Is there such things as Clean Politics and Dirty politics?
i am not sure until today leh.

Again, let me just say that this topic is about rioting in Little India. Mixing politics in the equation just complicates the whole thread. Each of us have our own grievance to address and writing in a forum like this would not be useful. I have seen how politics can ruin a perfectly good thread.

How can a human being not be political? I, for one, is not political and I am still a human being. The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election.

Ha! Ha!
If not political, why are you worrying?
By participating here, you already show you are political.
You are trying to make us buy your view, isn't it?

>> I guess you are just assuming that this thread is political? That's not what I think. The title already says that it is on the riot in Little India. It is the posters who linked it politically. I didn't say anything about buying view. It's what you are assuming. Smile

You said:-
"The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election."

So are you saying, we all should leave our brains behind after every GE for 5 years no matter what happens in our beloved Singapore?
(Of course we have too in a manner. Unless there is a By-Election within this 5 years )
>> Again, this is what you are saying. I did not say anything on it.

But can't we, as Singaporeans have the rights to comment or show our displeasure on G's policies if they affect our lives adversely?
>> Definitely, each of us has a right to comment. You can comment whatever you want but it would not be useful.

i am really sorry i don't understand your thinking, here.

Well, there's no need for you to understand my thinking. Why try so hard? You can stick to whatever you think is right. As simple as that.
“if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well ... to Einstein, that "everything should be made as simple as possible, ...
Well i always remember what Einstein said above since i know i just have a below average IQ. Yes i shall stick to Einstein's teaching less i got confused by ALPHA and BETA discussion.
Ha! Ha!
And i learn or read somewhere, each time we open our mouth, we are trying to influence or "sell" to somebody

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
(11-12-2013, 11:21 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:08 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:28 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:20 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 02:41 PM)Temperament Wrote: But i learn from Simple Simon:-
Iif you put your hand behind your head and touch your nose, you will realise at the end of the day, it's money(livelihood) and politics man.

Talking about the Riot only?
And only Riot?

How can a human beings not be political?
We human are all political animals through and through.
If not how can G existed in the 1st place?
Is there such things as Clean Politics and Dirty politics?
i am not sure until today leh.

Again, let me just say that this topic is about rioting in Little India. Mixing politics in the equation just complicates the whole thread. Each of us have our own grievance to address and writing in a forum like this would not be useful. I have seen how politics can ruin a perfectly good thread.

How can a human being not be political? I, for one, is not political and I am still a human being. The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election.

Ha! Ha!
If not political, why are you worrying?
By participating here, you already show you are political.
You are trying to make us buy your view, isn't it?

>> I guess you are just assuming that this thread is political? That's not what I think. The title already says that it is on the riot in Little India. It is the posters who linked it politically. I didn't say anything about buying view. It's what you are assuming. Smile

You said:-
"The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election."

So are you saying, we all should leave our brains behind after every GE for 5 years no matter what happens in our beloved Singapore?
(Of course we have too in a manner. Unless there is a By-Election within this 5 years )
>> Again, this is what you are saying. I did not say anything on it.

But can't we, as Singaporeans have the rights to comment or show our displeasure on G's policies if they affect our lives adversely?
>> Definitely, each of us has a right to comment. You can comment whatever you want but it would not be useful.

i am really sorry i don't understand your thinking, here.

Well, there's no need for you to understand my thinking. Why try so hard? You can stick to whatever you think is right. As simple as that.
“if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well ... to Einstein, that "everything should be made as simple as possible, ...
Well i always remember what Einstein said above since i know i just have a below average IQ. Yes i shall stick to Einstein's teaching less i got confused by ALPHA and BETA discussion.
Ha! Ha!
And i learn or read somewhere, each time we open our mouth, we are trying to influence or "sell" to somebody

I learned that whenever we talk, we are trying to interact, to increase our knowledge, to expand our own mind on things and to help each other to learn and know more. That has always been the principle in human to human interaction.

Just to add: Please don't see yourself as below average IQ. We are all clever in our own way. It has been great hearing you.Smile
(11-12-2013, 11:33 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:21 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:08 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:28 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:20 PM)Some-one Wrote: Again, let me just say that this topic is about rioting in Little India. Mixing politics in the equation just complicates the whole thread. Each of us have our own grievance to address and writing in a forum like this would not be useful. I have seen how politics can ruin a perfectly good thread.

How can a human being not be political? I, for one, is not political and I am still a human being. The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election.

Ha! Ha!
If not political, why are you worrying?
By participating here, you already show you are political.
You are trying to make us buy your view, isn't it?

>> I guess you are just assuming that this thread is political? That's not what I think. The title already says that it is on the riot in Little India. It is the posters who linked it politically. I didn't say anything about buying view. It's what you are assuming. Smile

You said:-
"The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election."

So are you saying, we all should leave our brains behind after every GE for 5 years no matter what happens in our beloved Singapore?
(Of course we have too in a manner. Unless there is a By-Election within this 5 years )
>> Again, this is what you are saying. I did not say anything on it.

But can't we, as Singaporeans have the rights to comment or show our displeasure on G's policies if they affect our lives adversely?
>> Definitely, each of us has a right to comment. You can comment whatever you want but it would not be useful.

i am really sorry i don't understand your thinking, here.

Well, there's no need for you to understand my thinking. Why try so hard? You can stick to whatever you think is right. As simple as that.
“if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well ... to Einstein, that "everything should be made as simple as possible, ...
Well i always remember what Einstein said above since i know i just have a below average IQ. Yes i shall stick to Einstein's teaching less i got confused by ALPHA and BETA discussion.
Ha! Ha!
And i learn or read somewhere, each time we open our mouth, we are trying to influence or "sell" to somebody

I learned that whenever we talk, we are trying to interact, to increase our knowledge, to expand our own mind on things and to help each other to learn and know more. That has always been the principle in human to human interaction.
Put it simply, Communication is two ways lah!
If only one way and successful, then it may be "Brain Washing"

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
(11-12-2013, 11:46 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:33 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:21 PM)Temperament Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 11:08 PM)Some-one Wrote:
(11-12-2013, 04:28 PM)Temperament Wrote: Ha! Ha!
If not political, why are you worrying?
By participating here, you already show you are political.
You are trying to make us buy your view, isn't it?

>> I guess you are just assuming that this thread is political? That's not what I think. The title already says that it is on the riot in Little India. It is the posters who linked it politically. I didn't say anything about buying view. It's what you are assuming. Smile

You said:-
"The electorate consists of the whole of Singapore, not only you and I. If the electorate has decided, let's just keep it this way until the next election."

So are you saying, we all should leave our brains behind after every GE for 5 years no matter what happens in our beloved Singapore?
(Of course we have too in a manner. Unless there is a By-Election within this 5 years )
>> Again, this is what you are saying. I did not say anything on it.

But can't we, as Singaporeans have the rights to comment or show our displeasure on G's policies if they affect our lives adversely?
>> Definitely, each of us has a right to comment. You can comment whatever you want but it would not be useful.

i am really sorry i don't understand your thinking, here.

Well, there's no need for you to understand my thinking. Why try so hard? You can stick to whatever you think is right. As simple as that.
“if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well ... to Einstein, that "everything should be made as simple as possible, ...
Well i always remember what Einstein said above since i know i just have a below average IQ. Yes i shall stick to Einstein's teaching less i got confused by ALPHA and BETA discussion.
Ha! Ha!
And i learn or read somewhere, each time we open our mouth, we are trying to influence or "sell" to somebody

I learned that whenever we talk, we are trying to interact, to increase our knowledge, to expand our own mind on things and to help each other to learn and know more. That has always been the principle in human to human interaction.
Put it simply, Communication is two ways lah!
If only one way and successful, then it may be "Brain Washing"

Indeed, it is two-way. If it is one way and successful, some say it is brainwashing, some say it is new knowledge but again, there is no hard and fast rule. It's really up to each individual to accept or reject or should I add, reflect (be it good or bad). That's why communication studies is a degree course by itself.

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