Google Glass

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Ok I guess some of us technophiles would have know about this device.
Personally I think this could revolutionise the way we work and interact even more so than what Iphone does.

Not only can we instruct the device to output information and data, it can reciprocally transmit information from nearby sources to us.

Both advertisers as well as consumers would benefit.

I am awed by this device.
The future is globalisation on a personal front. Some say these device will alienate us from human interaction. I think we will draw closer instead.
It looks something like a beginning of a human-machine hybrid.

Just a proposal, shall we put this under Google sub-forum? There were postings on Google glass over there already
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
just needs laser beams to shoot out from the glasses

i feel like X-man already.
Would prefer this thread to be a standalone as the couple of postings on the GOOG thread doesn't give this augmented reality device sense of importance.

But I would let the moderators decide as they wish.

Anyway another video clip how this thing works.

(07-05-2013, 11:34 PM)arthur Wrote: I am awed by this device.
The future is globalisation on a personal front. Some say these device will alienate us from human interaction. I think we will draw closer instead.
It looks something like a beginning of a human-machine hybrid.

Personally i don't think it going to work. By looking at the video already make my head dizzy, it is too intrusive to the eye sight. There are 2 screens overlapping each other.

Imagine anyone use it while driving, probably 1 out of 3 will cause accident. Because human can never be able to multitasking. Those who claim they can are deceiving themselves and others.

Think You're Multitasking? Think Again

Secondly is the privacy issue. Places already banning this. Do you even want to interact with someone who you not even know he is filming you or not?

Google Glass Picks Up Early Signal: Keep Out

Lastly, the gesture of using this device is simply not that elegant. Or just weird. Like touching your head when you want to control a device. Hmm, i might hesitate to do it in public.

Personally i think this thing not going to work until they resolve all above issues. But then there are people who don't care. For those don't care, please don't use it while driving.
This is great! Another device that requires internet connection. Telcos will start selling glasses soon!!!

Tiered data plans for Google Glass......LOL!!!

Maybe can use this in schools or research labs.......

There are rumours that Apple is developing a watch.....I hope it is true!!!
My Dividend Investing Blog
(09-05-2013, 12:31 AM)hongonn Wrote:
(07-05-2013, 11:34 PM)arthur Wrote: I am awed by this device.
The future is globalisation on a personal front. Some say these device will alienate us from human interaction. I think we will draw closer instead.
It looks something like a beginning of a human-machine hybrid.

Personally i don't think it going to work. By looking at the video already make my head dizzy, it is too intrusive to the eye sight. There are 2 screens overlapping each other.

Imagine anyone use it while driving, probably 1 out of 3 will cause accident. Because human can never be able to multitasking. Those who claim they can are deceiving themselves and others.

Think You're Multitasking? Think Again

Secondly is the privacy issue. Places already banning this. Do you even want to interact with someone who you not even know he is filming you or not?

Google Glass Picks Up Early Signal: Keep Out

Lastly, the gesture of using this device is simply not that elegant. Or just weird. Like touching your head when you want to control a device. Hmm, i might hesitate to do it in public.

Personally i think this thing not going to work until they resolve all above issues. But then there are people who don't care. For those don't care, please don't use it while driving.

FYI, i believe the tech already been used in Military, e.g. fighter pilot etc.

Multi-tasking will become second nature, after a simple training. It is proven for mission critical operations
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
Point 1. This is worn more frequently and longer than military ops purposes. There'd be medical concerns. Think RSI. If this would ever become "2nd nature", then were would have just moved 1 step further from humankind and 1 step closer to machine. Even looking at monitor at >1 foot distance and give us stress and fatigue. Oh, just relate to 3D glasses. They are nice to watch initially but after a while it just gets tiring on the eyes and mind.

Point 2. You sure you want radio waves emitting devices mounted so near your temple all day long?

Point 3. Google says phones, watches, etc. are intrusive. Takes our attention off to the devices. This I think would turn humans into zombies. Looking at things but not seeing. Mobiles phones we use it and once we put it away, our attention goes back to the real world 100% after. If we were to trip, get horned at, putting the device away we can react near 100% according to real world feedback. Glasses? I think the reaction to real world inputs such as danger would be considerably diminished for most even with training.

Point 4. Technology not advanced sufficiently in the near term for this to be part of everyday living. Battery life and weight concern. For it to last a full day, the weight would weight our ears down. A lot. For few hours usage it is a chore to switch in/out of analogue and overlay world. For those who had ever worn chemical warfare costumes or in clean room outfit can relate a little. Each time you change in and out you space in and out a little. Takes time to adjust. Even when you're used to the attire after a while even years of habit, you'd enjoy being yourself without the costume.

While this is good and great and all but I doubt this would be life changing or a game changer in the consumer electronics space. Humans would prefer to be 100% human in relaxed mode. Give us our toys and gadgets we get sucked into the digital world. Take them away and we are 100% human. Glasses may create a new reality for better and for worse.

I say, take the geek out of yourself and appraise this product.

Oh, think about HUD for cars. Why is it not taking off in a big way?
It seems no sweet to wear it all day, and had became a second nature to those privilege users... Big Grin

Privacy concern might kill it... it is a real concern, especially in bath room and changing room...Tongue

Google Glass: Cool or creepy?

SAN FRANCISOC — Google staged four discussions expounding on the finer points of its “Glass” wearable computer during this week’s developer conference. Missing from the agenda, however, was a session on etiquette when using the recording-capable gadget, which some attendees faithfully wore everywhere - including to the crowded bathrooms.

Google Glass, a cross between a mobile computer and eyeglasses that can both record video and surf the Internet, is now available to a select few but is already among the year’s most buzz-worthy new gadgets. The device has geeks all aflutter but is unnerving everyone from lawmakers to casino operators worried about the potential for hitherto unimagined privacy and policy violations.
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡
This is a key privacy concern from American senators... issue getting complicated...

Google Glass: Facial recognition coming soon

LONDON — The controversial Google Glass computer can now recognise who you are talking to thanks to a new “hack”.

The new software from Lamda Labs, who are based in San Francisco, raises the prospect of never forgetting a face again, and also of internet recommendations for who Google Glass wearers should meet at large social gatherings. It will launch to computer programmers in days, the Daily Telegraph reported.
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡

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