Dream Potter - Ch8 - Monday - 8pm

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recommended programme to watch....good to know there's ppl out there giving time and energy to help the less fortunate...
There are several outreach programs in Singapore actually. And most of them do not advertise themselves but quietly lending a helping hand behind the scene.

Lions befrienders is one. If anyone is interested, I can point you guys to the relevant parties. Good to know at least some of us are aware of the lower 20% of population who have no way to get out of their low social status due to their viscous cycle. Their successive generations will only suffer.

Someone once told me this. A lighted candle will not burn out quicker when it lights up other candles. A little drop of donation to the CORRECT organsiations meant alot to those in need. Let us remember those who are still in the cold in this festive season.



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