26-02-2013, 04:56 PM
It is not always controlling shareholder win, minority shareholders also have a say 
Malaysian tycoon fails to take Hong Leong Capital private
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia’s Hong Leong Financial Group, controlled by the country’s sixth richest man Quek Leng Chan, has failed to take its 79 per-cent-owned investment banking arm Hong Leong Capital Bhd private as shareholders hold out for a better offer.
Hong Leong Financial told the stock exchange late yesterday that it acquired only a 2.24 per cent stake, or 5.5 million shares, during the offer period, bringing its total ownership in the investment bank to just 81.3 percent.

Malaysian tycoon fails to take Hong Leong Capital private
KUALA LUMPUR — Malaysia’s Hong Leong Financial Group, controlled by the country’s sixth richest man Quek Leng Chan, has failed to take its 79 per-cent-owned investment banking arm Hong Leong Capital Bhd private as shareholders hold out for a better offer.
Hong Leong Financial told the stock exchange late yesterday that it acquired only a 2.24 per cent stake, or 5.5 million shares, during the offer period, bringing its total ownership in the investment bank to just 81.3 percent.
“夏则资皮,冬则资纱,旱则资船,水则资车” - 范蠡