Ping Fu: "Bend not Break", Authors at Google

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(02-02-2013, 08:10 PM)Behappyalways Wrote:
According to the comments on Amazon, those who shared the same period of life in the 60s~80s don't believe her story. They call her liar.

Due to the barrier in culture, language and ideology, it is quite easy to fake something up and gain popularity in US by telling shitty stories of China. A satisfaction to their psychological masturbation.
whether she fakes her story in china, I am not sure......But there are many people who thinks that the Cultural Revolution is not that bad as reported.....

well about 30m people died during the 60s with the bulk of it within a 6 month period due to man-made famine, more than the deaths suffered during Sino-Japanese War. So the Japanese army was extremely brutal but neither are the communists saint......Bo Xilai beat up his father and broke his father's ribs during the cultural revolution....this tells you how low human relationship sunk during that period.

I know of a Singaporean who was in China during the late 80s, he came across baby girls abandoned on the street while on his way to work.....this happened three times and he picked them up and brought them up. Now he is a godfather of 3 girl infanticide is true.....

whether the story that ping fu said about her experience in china is true or not i am not sure but I am sure those stuffs which she said did happened in China.....and i believed one day when the communist lost its absolute power, more facts will be available.....

as for ping fu, she brought out many interesting for example is that many people ended their relationship with books after they graduate....they kinda stopped 'learning'.... although many would argue that newspapers are considered 'books'. When was it that we picked up a book and read. (It is hard to keep a beginner's mind.. Personally I find it up to keep a beginner's mind)

another thing she brought up is that we cannot control what life has in store for us but we can control our mindset. Our way of dealing with adversity when it strucks....we can learn thru experience

her realisation of life....i don't think it is fake but the fortune teller part I am sure the fortune teller is lying....TongueTongueTongue
Docu on Cultural Revolution if you are interested....a bit gross so be prepared....
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