Ecowise@7.8cts - halt
The Board wishes to inform the shareholders that the Singapore Exchange Regulation had on 14 June 2021 raised queries in relation to the 1HFY2021 Results (“SGX Queries”). The Company has been working to provide responses to the SGX Queries. However, the Directors are not able to unanimously agree and finalise (with one Director in dissent) the announcement on the responses to the SGX Queries, for release by the expiry of the trading halt which falls on 18 June 2021. Further, there have been recent developments on the Company’s operations which the Company requires more time to obtain information and update shareholders.
Stay home and stay safe, everyone.
The Board wishes to inform the shareholders that the Singapore Exchange Regulation had on 14 June 2021 raised queries in relation to the 1HFY2021 Results (“SGX Queries”). The Company has been working to provide responses to the SGX Queries. However, the Directors are not able to unanimously agree and finalise (with one Director in dissent) the announcement on the responses to the SGX Queries, for release by the expiry of the trading halt which falls on 18 June 2021. Further, there have been recent developments on the Company’s operations which the Company requires more time to obtain information and update shareholders.
Stay home and stay safe, everyone.