My brain wave resonance with Bryan this morning when he talks about his solo European trip last year. No camera crew and with nobody.
Bryan is a very special person and if I were to go for a guided tour, I'll choose to go with Bryan. VWY=Versatile, Witty and Young at heart.
He suddenly has a urge to run-away (typical isn't it?).
Impromptu, he landed in Frankfurt, train to Austria, took a taxi up Alpine, train to Hungary, ordered a table full of feast and touched a soul on Charles Bridge.
The following pictures documents what happen from my imagination:
Busy, busy: Immersed in the sights and sounds at Vienna opera house:
[Image: 6a00d83451c83e69e200e54f1980798834-800wi.jpg]
Reflection: Is there a mountain we can go? Bryan asked a taxi driver.
When he reached the mountain (likely part of Julian Alps), he became wild and charged down the mountain screaming out loud from his toe to his hair.... The powerful "Sound of Music":
[Image: cd592a5ccc20442ba2b13f631d4dae45.jpg]
Fighting the lonely monster: At Hungary, Bryan thought that this is the time to splash and he ordered a table-full of treats. As for me, I'll zoom down to the Goulash:
[Image: budapest+and+easter+099.JPG]
Lost in Budapest: Bryan was trying to lost his way one night and decided to trace back his route, wanted to have a deeper understanding of these places...
[Image: 352712977_912e8e6b32.jpg]
A bit of history: For those who remembered, many years ago, during the cold war, Eastern Europe including Hungary was closely tie up with Russia. So, when the first McDonald opened in Budapest, imagine those rich people from all over eastern europe (Russia included), flop to Budapest just for a taste of the freedom (err... I mean McDonald)
[Image: Picture+686.jpg]
Bryan is a very special person and if I were to go for a guided tour, I'll choose to go with Bryan. VWY=Versatile, Witty and Young at heart.
He suddenly has a urge to run-away (typical isn't it?).
Impromptu, he landed in Frankfurt, train to Austria, took a taxi up Alpine, train to Hungary, ordered a table full of feast and touched a soul on Charles Bridge.
The following pictures documents what happen from my imagination:
Busy, busy: Immersed in the sights and sounds at Vienna opera house:
[Image: 6a00d83451c83e69e200e54f1980798834-800wi.jpg]
Reflection: Is there a mountain we can go? Bryan asked a taxi driver.
When he reached the mountain (likely part of Julian Alps), he became wild and charged down the mountain screaming out loud from his toe to his hair.... The powerful "Sound of Music":
[Image: cd592a5ccc20442ba2b13f631d4dae45.jpg]
Fighting the lonely monster: At Hungary, Bryan thought that this is the time to splash and he ordered a table-full of treats. As for me, I'll zoom down to the Goulash:
[Image: budapest+and+easter+099.JPG]
Lost in Budapest: Bryan was trying to lost his way one night and decided to trace back his route, wanted to have a deeper understanding of these places...
[Image: 352712977_912e8e6b32.jpg]
A bit of history: For those who remembered, many years ago, during the cold war, Eastern Europe including Hungary was closely tie up with Russia. So, when the first McDonald opened in Budapest, imagine those rich people from all over eastern europe (Russia included), flop to Budapest just for a taste of the freedom (err... I mean McDonald)

[Image: Picture+686.jpg]