Koh Brothers Group

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Share buy backs with low dividend, management giving clear signal for opmi to get lost whilst they increase their shareholdings and delist on the cheap

-- via Xperia Z1 with tapatalk
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.
(10-07-2012, 12:37 PM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-07-2012, 12:30 PM)paullow Wrote: imo, i rather go for ces. undervalued also. n going by past record they pay ard 8% yield. so in <10yrs, i would have gotten my capital back plus potential stk appreciation after a decade. whereas kb have been in 20c range for a long time. unknown when jackpot will strike while collecting coffee money of 1%+. ces more sure way to grow money.
imo. feel free to comment.

I have CES too. But in terms of potential upside, Koh Brothers seems to have more meat to feast on at current price compared to CES. I dont see CES going to 80cents, but I see Koh Brothers going to 40c.

Koh Brother's landbank is solid and as a civil engineering specialist, they earn higher margins compared to traditional residential projects.

Fast forward 2015... Ces peak 99 cents. It would have taken quite a visionary to foresee ces doing beyond 90 cents at the time of your post. Big Grin
The thing I am scared most is not nightmares or market crashes..... Its my greed that I fear the most.

When people ask what is my target price, I never have any good answer for it because Philip Fisher said before (in Common Stock Uncommon Profit) that the best time to sell is never. Equity investment is buying into ownership, not betting slips.

The path to greatness and wealth is necessarily dangerous.... because greed is a fearsome fore that threatens your success at every step.
(08-03-2015, 06:29 PM)BlueKelah Wrote: Share buy backs with low dividend, management giving clear signal for opmi to get lost whilst they increase their shareholdings and delist on the cheap

-- via Xperia Z1 with tapatalk

Great minds think alike !
I like your frankness.
U r probably right !
Will it be a C.K Tang price or CH offshore or Keppel Land or SPC ?
And when ?
Noted that Koh Bros' EPS nearest to Lee Metal.
Not a apple to apple comparison but the most meaningful comparison perhaps.
Each has its appeal.
As I need ten counters for my portfolio, I have both.
However, I must not disagree that CES is a better buy !
I believe Koh Wee Meng is selling down the shares for the past year while the company has steadily carried out the share buyback.
(08-03-2015, 07:43 PM)vesfreq Wrote:
(10-07-2012, 12:37 PM)propertyinvestor Wrote:
(10-07-2012, 12:30 PM)paullow Wrote: imo, i rather go for ces. undervalued also. n going by past record they pay ard 8% yield. so in <10yrs, i would have gotten my capital back plus potential stk appreciation after a decade. whereas kb have been in 20c range for a long time. unknown when jackpot will strike while collecting coffee money of 1%+. ces more sure way to grow money.
imo. feel free to comment.

I have CES too. But in terms of potential upside, Koh Brothers seems to have more meat to feast on at current price compared to CES. I dont see CES going to 80cents, but I see Koh Brothers going to 40c.

Koh Brother's landbank is solid and as a civil engineering specialist, they earn higher margins compared to traditional residential projects.

Fast forward 2015... Ces peak 99 cents. It would have taken quite a visionary to foresee ces doing beyond 90 cents at the time of your post. Big Grin

Yes CES has wildly exceeded my expectations Big Grin
(09-03-2015, 10:34 AM)propertyinvestor Wrote: I believe Koh Wee Meng is selling down the shares for the past year while the company has steadily carried out the share buyback.

So are you implying Koh A is selling to koh B? In this way, who benefitted using coy's fund. (retained earning?). Definitely not us the opmi.
If they privatise, still the Kohs benefit the most. But i don't think they are going to do it. Why it has been like this as a public coy for more then 20 years since IPO. ( iirc)

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
(09-03-2015, 10:34 AM)propertyinvestor Wrote: I believe Koh Wee Meng is selling down the shares for the past year while the company has steadily carried out the share buyback.

Interesting guess ....
But if this so, logically, he'd had proposed an extremely-generous div ,
like Hock Lian Seng or Lee Metal or King Wan ; so as to drive up his share price prior to cashing out. Being older than almost all of us here, he certainly knows what he is doing.

All business organizations prefer high profits but not all Bosses of listed company prefer a high share prices for their counters.

Old man in that nice brown jacket looks like one of them.
Age aside, he is playing his counter like he has more patience than anyone of us.

Buying-back looking strong. Dun Play Play....
Dun challenge the approved millions of dollars that will take anyone on...

Perhaps, not difficult to make a cent or two in next few months but if we can't play till the end, we will never see the big money.

Moderation helps....
Koh Brothers Receives Strong Demand for Maiden Entry Into South Korea - Nonhyeon I'PARK 96% Sold in 3 Months

Highlights :
1. Sold 75% of all units in first 7 days of launch, reflects strategic and timely expansion into South Korean real estate market
2. Freehold mixed-use development along the main commercial belt in prime Gangnam district, Seoul
3. 45%-owned property to be redeveloped into a 18-storey mixed-use development consisting 346 upscale residential units and retail space
4. Expected completion in 4Q2020
5. The project is expected to contribute positively to Koh Brothers’ financial performance from the financial year ending December 31, 2018.

More details in http://infopub.sgx.com/FileOpen/KBGL%20A...eID=512265
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.

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