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Deng Dao bo zhi dou chang liao..... Neck long long... Hahhaha... well i think the mgt shld be a little more pro active.. In the redevelopment of the properties n their steel bizness... it shld be better for their overall operation... Seems to me like they r remaining status quo... n pretty comfortable sitting behind it... so long as i don lose my grandfather bizness.....

Anw stock market like news... News for expansion news for redevelopment news for new direction.... No news.. how to move... i think recently got one counter jump from 2 cents to 6 cents saying it is going into commercial property development.. nb will hup jump from 20 cents to 60 cents ahhaha

i think every1 laugh all the way to the banks if it really happen.. think paul will be the happiest... Remember to treat forumner to makan if it really happen.. hahah
(05-04-2013, 04:32 PM)kuku Wrote: Deng Dao bo zhi dou chang liao..... Neck long long... Hahhaha... well i think the mgt shld be a little more pro active.. In the redevelopment of the properties n their steel bizness... it shld be better for their overall operation... Seems to me like they r remaining status quo... n pretty comfortable sitting behind it... so long as i don lose my grandfather bizness.....

Anw stock market like news... News for expansion news for redevelopment news for new direction.... No news.. how to move... i think recently got one counter jump from 2 cents to 6 cents saying it is going into commercial property development.. nb will hup jump from 20 cents to 60 cents ahhaha

i think every1 laugh all the way to the banks if it really happen.. think paul will be the happiest... Remember to treat forumner to makan if it really happen.. hahah


hehe. treat every forummer? later go pok kai.
will treat bibi n u as i know both of u are believers of hups.
the trick is to hold b hold. the longer it is, the uglier the sore thumb at kim chuan will stand out.

not forgetting nito who impressed me with his impressive research on hup which he emailed me..

i salute you 1000% bec you are the type of investor that does not let greed and fear sway your investment decision.

Of course, the rules of mastering one's emotions is always easier said than done (look at the bloodbath yesterday in the sti).

i bought this counter some months back , made small profits and see that it moves like snail, no patience , i go for another counter.

Haha sometimes, I think buying stock is like a marriage, staying true to one partner until proven wrong.

Too many "partners" made one lose focus and long run may suffer .

Could you share how do you develop such conviction on this counter ? What if , I mean what if your analysis is wrong?
Not trying to be a wet blanket but really wants to know what's in your mind when you load so substantial in this counter............

Are there no peers in the same category that offers better value ? Like HG Metal ?

Thanks a lot !!
(06-04-2013, 11:29 AM)byfaith Wrote: paullow

i salute you 1000% bec you are the type of investor that does not let greed and fear sway your investment decision.

Of course, the rules of mastering one's emotions is always easier said than done (look at the bloodbath yesterday in the sti).

i bought this counter some months back , made small profits and see that it moves like snail, no patience , i go for another counter.

Haha sometimes, I think buying stock is like a marriage, staying true to one partner until proven wrong.

Too many "partners" made one lose focus and long run may suffer .

Could you share how do you develop such conviction on this counter ? What if , I mean what if your analysis is wrong?
Not trying to be a wet blanket but really wants to know what's in your mind when you load so substantial in this counter............

Are there no peers in the same category that offers better value ? Like HG Metal ?

Thanks a lot !!


each and everyone's circumstance is different. what's good for me may not be good for the next person.

since u ask, i can share with you.

to succeed in stocks or anything, I think u need to stay focused.

u rightfully pointed out, too many stocks and u lose focus. even if one turns a two bagger, the others' losses with dilute the gains from that counter. but diversification reduces ones risk.

so really depends on ur own conviction.

every investment has risk, even living itself has risk.

but we can use knowledge to reduce that risk, not eliminate it.

in my case, my hup seng huat shares are bought by another counter's gains, which already turned two bagger. I did my calculations, I don't expect to see hup seng huat's price halving, and nullifying my previous gains, so I can sleep in peace.

and i do have another investment instruments as part of my own diversification.

HG metal, let me ask u, does this counter give steady dividends? what safety net does it provide? does it have anything to unlock? look at its past history, any alarm signs?
look at successful investors like ohl, u think he's contented to make a few million after spending 100m on natsteel then. peter invested 15m in wilmar in 1995, u think he just looking out to make a few million.
i think to succeed, one had to remove that trader type of mentality n think long term. if u put 50k in a stock, is a 5k gain is gd enough for the risk n time involved?
frankly, i do not know who can make money consistently by trading n i do not know anyone who knows anyone who can do so.

ps. this is just myself speaking from my own personal observation. still everyone is different. keep a open mind. do things at ur own comfort level.
(06-04-2013, 02:37 PM)paullow Wrote: look at successful investors like ohl, u think he's contented to make a few million after spending 100m on natsteel then. peter invested 15m in wilmar in 1995, u think he just looking out to make a few million.
i think to succeed, one had to remove that trader type of mentality n think long term. if u put 50k in a stock, 5k gain is gd enough for the risk n time involved?
frankly, i do not know who can make money consistently by trading n i do not know anyone who knows anyone who can do so.

ps. this is just myself speaking from my own personal observation. still everyone is different. keep a open mind. do things at ur own comfort level.

hi all, im new, both to the world of the stock exchange and to the forum.
pls dun make fun of me if i ask any silly questions (:

anyway, i have the same qn as paullow.
if u put 50k in a stock, is 5k gain is gd enough for the risk n time involved? i know that that is a 10% gain. and many people will say that as compared to bank's ridiculously low interest rate, 10% is considered very good.

how do u gauge what is a "good" %? is it all on personal aims/goals? or is there a rough number which i can try to aim for?

Patience is a virtue.
apologies, it shd read as " is 5k gain gd enough for a 50k investment in terms of time n risk involved". my answer to that is a no.
(06-04-2013, 03:01 PM)TheMillennium Wrote: how do u gauge what is a "good" %? is it all on personal aims/goals? or is there a rough number which i can try to aim for?


The long-term return for investing is equities is between 7% to 9%, of which 2% to 3% is from capital gains and 5% to 6% is from dividends. So if you factor this into account, 10% seems fair; but you have to weigh the risk and return. Also, do you understand the business and its drivers? Is the time spent worth the effort compared to your expected return?
My Value Investing Blog:
(06-04-2013, 03:10 PM)Musicwhiz Wrote:
(06-04-2013, 03:01 PM)TheMillennium Wrote: how do u gauge what is a "good" %? is it all on personal aims/goals? or is there a rough number which i can try to aim for?


The long-term return for investing is equities is between 7% to 9%, of which 2% to 3% is from capital gains and 5% to 6% is from dividends. So if you factor this into account, 10% seems fair; but you have to weigh the risk and return. Also, do you understand the business and its drivers? Is the time spent worth the effort compared to your expected return?

i think that is a fair answer. but if one spent a great deal of time n resource on a few stocks, then perhaps 10% isa low figure.
thanks to both musicwhiz and paullow for answering!

now i have at least a rough indicator of what is considered an appropriate amount on returns!
Patience is a virtue.

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