Gems TV

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There was an upsurge in volume traded and price - to the high of $0.03 - for this counter today, from 16:22:46 onwards all the way till closing at 17:05:01. Something positive brewing?

Based on the latest 3Q (ended 31Mar12) results announcement.....$file/FY2012_Q3_Financial_Announcement_FINAL.pdf?openelement
, NAV/share stood at USD0.0301 (or approx. $0.038), which is represented by a USD9.9m cash reserve, and a minority stake in U.S. based Multimedia Commerce Group (MMCG) recorded at a BV of USD21.2m - which potentially can be worth a lot more in market value if MMCG does successfully go IPO - based on 1,035.37m issued shares.

Any fellow forumers hold this counter and have something to share?
(09-05-2012, 09:43 PM)dydx Wrote: There was an upsurge in volume traded and price - to the high of $0.03 - for this counter today, from 16:22:46 onwards all the way till closing at 17:05:01. Something positive brewing?

Based on the latest 3Q (ended 31Mar12) results announcement.....$file/FY2012_Q3_Financial_Announcement_FINAL.pdf?openelement
, NAV/share stood at USD0.0301 (or approx. $0.038), which is represented by a USD9.9m cash reserve, and a minority stake in U.S. based Multimedia Commerce Group (MMCG) recorded at a BV of USD21.2m - which potentially can be worth a lot more in market value if MMCG does successfully go IPO - based on 1,035.37m issued shares.

Any fellow forumers hold this counter and have something to share?

This is the counter that leaves a bad mark on The Hour Glass forever. they has finally turn in some profit after "Other operating income for Q3 FY2012 rose substantially from the same period last year due to
the sale of our remaining inventory to Multimedia Commerce Group (“MMCG”) at a price above book value."
The upsurge in volume and price continued from the opening bell this morning, and Gems TV managed to hit a high of $0.036 - 75% of my own fair value estimate - before profit-taking set in at around 1100hrs. What a violent ride!

I wonder who are accumulating this counter and behind this market operation?
FY12 (ended 30Jun12) full-year result just out and makes interesting.....$file/GEMS_FullYearResults_22082012.pdf?openelement

The basic value of each Gems TV share now based on its latest NAV of USD0.0299 (or approx. $0.0374) is backed by (1) USD0.0093 (or approx. $0.0116) in net cash, and (2) USD0.0206 (or approx. $0.0258) in BV of a minority stake in U.S.-based Multimedia Commerce Group ("MMCG"). If and when MMCG is listed in NYSE or Nasdaq, the market value of Gems TV's stake should be higher than its latest BV (as at 30Jun12) of USD21.331m.

I am totally pleased with Gems TV's BOD's recommendation to pay out a $0.0095/share Final dividend from its net cash reserve.

If Gems TV's BOD is able to secure a good RTO candidate, there could be even additional value to be created!
What a nice surprise! Today (23Aug12), Mr Market has decided to trade on Gems TV! So far a high 42.5m shares have already changed hands, and the counter opened at $0.028, went as high as $0.034, and last done at $0.032, up $0.008 from yesteday's closing price of $0.024. I wonder if Mr Market is getting excited by the proposed and coming $0.0095/share dividend payment, or more than that?

At $0.032, Gems TV is still below its basic value based on its latest NAV/share of USD0.0299 (or approx. $0.0374). I suppose any estimate of Gems TV's fair value per share should include the potential enhanced value from its stake in MMCG (vs. its BV of USD21.331m) if and when this investee company gets listed on NYSE or Nasdaq.
The proposed $0.0095/share Final dividend for FY12 will be paid on 15Nov12.....$file/GTV_NoticeofBCD.pdf?openelement
'XD' date will likely be 1Nov12.

Today (27Aug12), Gems TV closed down $0.001, at $0.034, with over 17.0m shares changed hands.
Yesterday (22Nov12), for unknown reasons Gems TV shot up $0.003 - or a cool 14.3%! - to close at $0.024, which is the same closing price on 31Oct12, the first market-day the counter went 'XD' for the $0.0095/share Final dividend for FY12 (ended 30Jun12). Perhaps some parties are betting on the company is going to announce a good-quality RTO transaction soon?
And Gems TV closed today up another $0.002 at $0.026, with a high 4754 lots transacted.
There is a sudden upsurge in both the share price and volume traded this morning (1Feb13), and the share price actually hit a high of $0.045! Something positive coming soon?
saw this news online, gemstv - delist offfer,

"the Offer Price is S$0.00408 in cash for each Offer Share."

- Not vested.
1) Try NOT to LOSE money!
2) Do NOT SELL in BEAR, BUY-BUY-BUY! invest in managements/companies that does the same!
3) CASH in hand is KING in BEAR! 

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