22-12-2010, 02:46 PM
(13-12-2010, 09:03 PM)mrEngineer Wrote: Hi MW,
Have you applied for this Starsaver account? I wonder do they have EPS function at their atms to purchase shares?
Also do you happen to know whats their daily transfer limit? Is it by default $5k like the other banks?
There are 4 ATMS located in Singapore. Other than the 2 branches, where are there other 2?
Is it also insured maximum of 20k for individuals as well?
Hi MrEngineer,
I just opened my CIMB Starsaver account today, and if you wish to do so then hurry because they have a free gift (box of Royce chocolates) if you open it before December 31, 2010.
I did not ask about the EPS function as I use my DBS account to pay for shares (and IPOs). But they do have an internet banking account which needs to be accessed through an SMS PIN (somehow if token is used you cannot create new payee! Some software issue, oh well).
Daily transfer limit is max $10,000 (I had to choose this myself). The default is $3,000 if you do not change it.
There are 6 ATMs in total. 3 are located @ Raffles Place, and the other 3 @ Knightsbridge! There are no other ATMs in other locations and there are no plans to open other bank outlets in Singapore. But I did confirm that CIMB Bank is a full service licensed bank in Singapore.
Not sure about the insurance part, you'll have to go down and ask them yourself.

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