CPF savings 'may not be enough for old age'

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(29-02-2012, 10:29 AM)Temperament Wrote: Let's 1st ask the PAPAYA to increase our CPF's interest rate of return. At least tracking or on par with the rate of annual inflation. Then people can have other hopes from these bunch of millionaire Elites. i doubt it is possible. Why? Think of the figure of a pyramid. The population of a country is almost always based on this figure in terms of anything. Sad.... That's life.

How about having a % of CPF SA/medisave's interest rates to be pegged to some kind of TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities), rather than the 10yr Spore Gov bond rates. Of course, the min 4% intereat rates SHOULD still be there. Big Grin
(02-03-2012, 07:20 AM)weijian Wrote:
(29-02-2012, 10:29 AM)Temperament Wrote: Let's 1st ask the PAPAYA to increase our CPF's interest rate of return. At least tracking or on par with the rate of annual inflation. Then people can have other hopes from these bunch of millionaire Elites. i doubt it is possible. Why? Think of the figure of a pyramid. The population of a country is almost always based on this figure in terms of anything. Sad.... That's life.

How about having a % of CPF SA/medisave's interest rates to be pegged to some kind of TIPS (Treasury Inflation Protected Securities), rather than the 10yr Spore Gov bond rates. Of course, the min 4% intereat rates SHOULD still be there. Big Grin

someone once said cpf is just a cheap source of funds for investment corp let them try borrowing from capital markets at international rates.

The politicians on other hand will use this as a tool for whatever is popular with the masses. If using cpf for home ownership is popular with the masses then it will happen even if it is bad thing down the road later, no politician will think for tomorrow if they did then americans and europeans wouldn't have so much debt all these debts tied to previous popular programs for the masses.

LOL! the last thing they will do is to peg cpf to anything that will be used as bullets and ammo later by political opponents as a sort of measurement to their performance Tongue
(01-03-2012, 12:15 PM)Jared Seah Wrote: According to Mercer 2010 global index on pensions, Singapore is rated C; while no countries in the world got an A grade.


One of the recommendation to get a higher grading was to limit the access to funds BEFORE retirement. Hmm...


Originally, CPF can only be accessed for housing prior to retirement. The access to CPF for tertiary education and self investment were hard fought and won.

If we limit the access to CPF for housing, would there be the same call to also take away the access of CPF funds for self investment and tertiary education? CPF is for old age - period?

It's a hard call. Should we encourage personal responsibility and choice; or do we go back to big daddy knows what best for you?

I prefer choice.

Very good point... well done bro.

Choice AND the responsibility that comes with your own choice.

That is woefully lacking in Singaporean culture. partly due to big brother thinking...

But it is evolving... u see I will never cash out of my hdb to stay in retirement studio if I can choose to do it...
(02-03-2012, 10:47 AM)Contrarian Wrote:
(01-03-2012, 12:15 PM)Jared Seah Wrote: According to Mercer 2010 global index on pensions, Singapore is rated C; while no countries in the world got an A grade.


One of the recommendation to get a higher grading was to limit the access to funds BEFORE retirement. Hmm...


Originally, CPF can only be accessed for housing prior to retirement. The access to CPF for tertiary education and self investment were hard fought and won.

If we limit the access to CPF for housing, would there be the same call to also take away the access of CPF funds for self investment and tertiary education? CPF is for old age - period?

It's a hard call. Should we encourage personal responsibility and choice; or do we go back to big daddy knows what best for you?

I prefer choice.

Very good point... well done bro.

Choice AND the responsibility that comes with your own choice.

That is woefully lacking in Singaporean culture. partly due to big brother thinking...

But it is evolving... u see I will never cash out of my hdb to stay in retirement studio if I can choose to do it...

Well put. So everyone must remember you have a choice once only in 5 long years. Don't ever regret with your choice. The rest of the time is "E CONG BOH LER CONG". "TAND KU KU CHU WOO"
Well, maybe PAPAYA has to change to some other fruits to suit the people; if more and more people are more "vocal". If more and more Tak Boleh Tahan Anymore. Ha! Ha! Meanwhile, you have made your choice, tahan for the rest of the 5 long years. Cheers!

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
> Well put. So everyone must remember you have a choice once only in 5 long years. Don't ever
> regret with your choice. The rest of the time is "E CONG BOH LER CONG". "TAND KU KU CHU WOO"

Bro, i think we need to see things in context. After they lost the big GRC, they woke up. Now they are STARTING to change.

Some things we will not do service to future generation. Sylvia Lim's request to double healthcare spending is a stupid populist move that will cripple the nation.

I saw excerpts of Tharman's speech yesterday... he is brilliant in his replies and objection handling. Does anyone know how we can find the recorded and replay it on TV?

That Lee Mei Hua's speech is also a classic... it hits hard on the why the construction SMEs are languishing...
(02-03-2012, 11:49 AM)Temperament Wrote: Well put. So everyone must remember you have a choice once only in 5 long years. Don't ever regret with your choice. The rest of the time is "E CONG BOH LER CONG". "TAND KU KU CHU WOO"
Well, maybe PAPAYA has to change to some other fruits to suit the people; if more and more people are more "vocal". If more and more Tak Boleh Tahan Anymore. Ha! Ha! Meanwhile, you have made your choice, tahan for the rest of the 5 long years. Cheers!

Yes, we better make a good choice. Don't choose someone else just because you want a change, that would be foolhardy.

Look at what they are doing and not doing and why they are doing it or not doing it. Go a bit deeper to understand and then make a choice.

As they says, It only takes a second to make a choice, but that second can have a lifetime implication..

So choose wisely.
Even a layman like me knows almost every year our GDP is always a surplus. You can hardly count any dificit years with your fingers on your one hand only. Now you tell me which "businesses" in Singapore are not connected or belonging to PAPAYA, one way or another. The question is how much of this "GDP Surplus" is return or share with the people? Tell me how much?

Are you satisfied even with your CPF's rate of interest returns which the PAPAYA trying to hold as long as possible. Especially for the Generation Y. You don't have to guess what's next for the next Generation Z (my innovation). Z may stand for Zero ROI. Ha! Ha!
Of course, we are much better than third world countries. Then do we want to compare to SWISS or NORWAY or FINLAND? Or are we still a "Third World Country"?

1) Rule # 1, do not lose money.
2) Rule # 2, refer to # 1.
3) Not until you can manage your emotions, you can manage your money.

Truism of Investments.
A) Buying a security is buying RISK not Return
B) You can control RISK (to a certain level, hopefully only.) But definitely not the outcome of the Return.

My signature is meant for psychoing myself. No offence to anyone. i am trying not to lose money unnecessary anymore.
(02-03-2012, 01:29 PM)Contrarian Wrote: I saw excerpts of Tharman's speech yesterday... he is brilliant in his replies and objection handling. Does anyone know how we can find the recorded and replay it on TV?

Try searching in youtube. Got some in this YouTube Channel, perhpas this one?

Luck & Fortune Favours those who are Prepared & Decisive when Opportunity Knocks
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(02-03-2012, 01:29 PM)Contrarian Wrote: I saw excerpts of Tharman's speech yesterday... he is brilliant in his replies and objection handling. Does anyone know how we can find the recorded and replay it on TV?

That Lee Mei Hua's speech is also a classic... it hits hard on the why the construction SMEs are languishing...

You can check out channelnewsasia video archive. That's where I view it.

(02-03-2012, 01:29 PM)Contrarian Wrote: Some things we will not do service to future generation. Sylvia Lim's request to double healthcare spending is a stupid populist move that will cripple the nation.
The main problem with healthcare services is the shortage of medical staffs, doctors and nurses. It is easy to build a hospital but it cannot run without medical staffs.

The number of nurses that Singapore trains is pretty high but so is the attrition rate. Most foreign nurses will move to private hospitals or overseas once their local contracts with public hospitals are over.

As for doctors, the building of medical school also requires the school to recruit enough teaching staffs.

Therefore, doubling of healthcare spending may not actually help. Got money but no people to take the money. Unless you want FTs to flood the local medical institutions.


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