New Wave Holdings

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i) becoming substantial shareholder 17/5/13 -$file/FORM3_KWM.pdf?openelement

ii) more open mkt purchases 23/5/13 -$file/NewWave_FORM3_Final_23May2013_KWM.PDF?openelement

iii) ceased to be substantial holder 5/6/13$file/NewWave_FORM3_5June2013_KWM.pdf?openelement

New Wave of trading... good money... but...

Caveat Emptor

Lesson: Better off wrong term in Godfathers' stocks, in real assets and in real income (backed by proven distributions). Less talk and more work done...

Odd Lot Vested
Voluntary Conditional Cash Offer by JK Global Assets Pte. Ltd. for all the issued ordinary shares in the capital of New Wave Holdings Ltd.

For each Share: S$0.0130 in cash

The Offeror does not intend to revise the Offer Price of S$0.0130 for each share.

The Offer price represents approximately :
* a premium of 44.4%. over the Company’s closing price of S$0.0090 as of 19 October 2017, being the last full trading day of the Company prior to the Announcement Date,
* a premium of 38.3% over 1-month volume weighted average price ("VWAP") of S$0.0094,
* a premium of 9.2%  over 3-month VWAP of S$0.0119,
* a premium of 18.2% over 6-month VWAP of S$0.0110,
* a premium of 28.7% over 12-month VWAP of S$0.0101.

More details in
Specuvestor: Asset - Business - Structure.

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