Why GLC needs to be listed?

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Hey buddies,

I was wondering why companies like SATS, SMRT needs to be public listed? they don't really need so much funding and could happily remain private like Singapore pools.

Please share your thoughts! thanks!
one reason I can think is that Temasek/GIC needs fund to investment somewhere else, a.k.a, fund recycling.
Do IPO ....
Over value the company and make big money la..
"......I was wondering why companies like SATS, SMRT needs to be public listed? ....."

Other countries are impressed with our airport terminal services, mrt system. As public listed companies, it is easier for these companies to expand overseas. Win-win.
I believe one major reason would be political considerations.

After all, if your government has direct ownership of companies that are highly profitable (a la Chinese and Vietnamese State Owned Enterprises), it would be very difficult to convince foreign MNCs to come and invest in the country because they may be relying on supporting industries that operate on more political and profitable considerations. Whether it's true is one thing but at least the perception must be so.
If the GLC company is listed, it is more or less being treated as a private company and it will face significantly less headwind when it wants to acquire overseas companies.

I suppose Singtel is a good example. Ever since it had been listed, it had acquired quite a few overseas telecoms that help to diversify its earnings. The negative example is obviously SPH but the inability to grow is due to other reasons.

The listing of GLCs will also help to build up our local equity market and attracts foreign funds to flow into Singapore.
Raising money will be easier. No need to depend on Ah Gong or issue bonds. Can squeeze the shareholders..haha.
Can't remember the writer's name, but he was saying that in listing a GLC, the government (any government, not necessarily ours) essentially took what originally belonging to the citizens and sell it back to its citizen, except that after the sale only those who had cough out money will have ownership.

You can see the importance of SGX.

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