Another screen for cheap but fundamentally strong Bursa packing companies

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Warren Buffett has his wonderful companies at fair prices. I don’t I am at that stage so I focus on fundamentally sound companies at cheap prices.

My screen for fundamentally sound is to look for ROE > 10 % and cheap is when PBV < 1 for brick-and-mortar companies.

Packaging companies are certainly brick-and-mortar ones. There are over 20 odd Bursa packaging companies and a scattergram of ROE vs PBV shows the following.

[Image: Packaging-ROE-vs-PBV.png]

For those who read my article yesterday of the PE vs PBV screen, I think the above scattergram is a better option.

Of course, these are screens and there is nothing like doing detailed analysis as per my New Toyo.

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