Are there more investing lambs for the slaughter?

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I have a 700 pages e-book on value investing that I converted into 50 over infographics. The book would probably take you a few days to read while you can go through all the infographics within an hour. I then put out a 3 minutes video of the book. 

As the content got faster to read, the number of views increased. I guess in the 'Tik-Tok" world, we should not be surprised by this. But I wonder whether how much knowledge is lost in the process.

I guess it is better to have a 3 minutes look at value investing and learn a bit rather than not have any idea at all.

But for the old school value investors like me, I rejoice at this finding. This means that there are more idiots out there making it easier to win the losers’ game. Sure is good to know that there are more investing lambs for the slaughter.

This is my video.

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