(25-05-2012, 09:36 PM)KopiKat Wrote: So, loyal Popular Hldgs shareholders would have by now seen their share price doubled from it's lows of ~10ct in Jan-09(?). I wasn't vested then, so, I'd not bothered to do any computation but I think those who'd held and subscribed for the 2 rights ought to be having a profit by now.

I did a quick check using the latest closing price @ $0.199. The 2 rights issues,
Feb-10 : 3-for-10 @ $0.13
Jan-09 : 1-for-2 @ $0.10
If I were to work backward and exclude all dividends paid, the breakeven would be,
1. Before Feb-10 Rights = 22ct
2. Before Jan-09 Rights = 28ct
Looking at Old Man's transaction data, between Jan-09 and Feb-10 ie after 1st Rights and before 2nd Rights, he was
selling at $0.1706 - $0.2004. So, if one had bought during this period, they'd be currently be profitable (breakeven if max is 22ct).
Prior to Jan-09, Old Man was
buying at $0.255 - $0.29. So, if one had bought during this period, they'd have a high chance to be having some profits at current prices (unless they'd buy at above $0.28).
One intersting observation is if one were to follow Old Man, one may actually not make money (prior to the 1st rights if buy above 28ct) or would have lost out on making money (if they'd follow him to sell after the 1st Rights Issue). Further, after the 2nd Rights, he was selling at $0.155 - $0.171 (vs current $0.199).
So, be careful not to blindly follow Old Man now (to buy) as his track record doesn't seem very good.. Hee..
(26-05-2012, 12:45 AM)pianist Wrote: wow i didnt know popular ipo dated back to 1997. i got mine around 10cent in late 2008...
Congrats! You have a 2-bagger!
But, I'll be a wet blanket by asking these questions (which I usually ask myself),
1. Did you buy a meaningful amount? (eg. 10% of portfolio) If not, why not?
2. Why did you stop buying at 10ct? Why not add to your holdings as their Balance Sheet got stronger even at higher prices?
I had a similar experience as you for Thomson Medical with my first buy @ $0.18 - $0.20. I was unable to bring myself subsequently when prices slowly moved up. Fortunately for me, I managed to overcome my mental block (unwilling to buy at a higher price) and started to buy again from 40ct+ onwards, purely based on looking at their most current financials each time.
Note : I'm not asking anyone to buy Popular Hldgs shares at current prices but rather, to be able to continue make buy/sell decisions objectively using the latest financials (for any stock).
I went to Prologue @ Ion Orchard today to enjoy my members' 25% discount (20% for non-members). I must say the crowd is quite good. If only they could bring in this kind of crowd everyday...
My suggestion to Old Man : Continue to offer such discounts even after this one-month promotions. Turn it into a Factory Outlet kind of concept ie. Good Discounts - Go for Volume at Lower Profit Margins (as long as there's a Net Profit). They can even negotiate for lower rentals as they'll be able to bring in the crowd which may spill over to the other tenants - don't think many will be able to afford to patronise the other shops tho' as many are hi-end biz
Deleted : Comments on the post by 'money' as I'd made some wrong assumptions and didn't account for the Bonus Issue which'd been subsequently clarified by the latest post by 'lonewolf'