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(06-07-2016, 05:07 PM)corydorus Wrote: Will their China distribution agent retaliates during this 6 months period of certification ?

BWI’s core business is in DS and this is what it ultimately wants to have in China. I believe this plan would have been openly made known to its agent from the beginning. Had this agent have not agreed to it, he or she probably would not have been appointed in the first place.
Further safeguard would be to select agent among peoples that BWI had work with. The agent does not necessarily have to be a local PRC, and I would not be surprised at all if the agent were among one of the top distributor from Taiwan - and would still have an important role to play in China even after the transition.
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.


Interestingly, for enlargement of list of permissible products to be sold under the approved DS license, approval is no longer needed from MOFCOM, but product registrations/certifications with relevant authorities are still required.

Requirement that products must be self-manufactured (including that of parent company) remains unchanged - my interpretation.
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.

According to the above link, (and assuming it is reliable), BWL Taiwan has achieved a revenue of TWD 1,300 m in the first 6 month of 2016 (1H2016), exceeding the revenue of TWD 1,280 m for the entire FY2015.
TWD 1,300 m ~ SGD 54 m
ð  2Q 2016 Taiwan revenue ~ SGD 34 m (This would be a new quarterly record for Taiwan.)
Assuming revenue in 2Q2016 for other markets (excluding Taiwan) to be the same as in 1Q2016 ( ~ SGD 15 m)
=> 2Q2016 group revenue ~ 34 + 15 ~ SGD 49 m (This would be a new group quarterly record)

Taiwan Revenue (SGD million)
1Q2014 =  2.418   (= 11% of FY2014 Revenue)
2Q2014 =   4.157     (= 18% of FY2014 Revenue)
3Q2014 =   4.940      (= 22% of FY2014 Revenue)
4Q2014 = 11.196      (= 49% of FY2014 Revenue)
1Q2015 = 4.465     (=  8% of FY2015 Revenue)
2Q2015 =  10.244     (=  18% of FY2015 Revenue)
3Q2015 =  14.125     (=  25% of FY2015 Revenue)
4Q2015 =  27.559     (=  49% of FY2015 Revenue)
1Q2016 = 20.221   (=  Y % of FY2016 Revenue)
2Q2016 ~  34.000     => (1H2016 ~ 54 m)
Group Revenue (SGD Million)
1Q2014 =  12.802  (= 17% of FY2014 Revenue)
2Q2014 =  18.278     (= 24% of FY2014 Revenue)
3Q2014 =  19.229     (= 26% of FY2014 Revenue)
4Q2014 =  24.957     (= 33% of FY2014 Revenue) (FY2014 = 75.226)
1Q2015 =  13.507  (= 13% of FY2015 Revenue)
2Q2015 =  21.029     (= 21% of FY2015 Revenue)
3Q2015 =  26.191     (= 26% of FY2015 Revenue)
4Q2015 =  40.945     (= 40% of FY2015 Revenue) (FY2015 = 101.672)
1Q2016 =  35.226    (=  X % of FY2016 Revenue)
2Q2016 ~ 49 m     => (1H2016 ~ 84 m)

1H2016 EPS likely to exceed SGD  6 cents ( vs FY2015 EPS of 4.59 cents)
These figures would be higher if 2Q2016 China revenue were to be come in at much higher than the 1Q2016 numbers. Will see……………………
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
1H2016 Taiwan revenue of TWD 1,300 (~SGD 54m) is in the bag.
Now they are talking about FY2016 Taiwan revenue of TWD 3,000 m (~SGD 125 m)
Interestingly, Taiwan, being a much smaller market, has 300 plus DS companies, whereas, China, the soon to be number ONE DS market in the world has only 70 plus licensed operators. 



[Image: 13559156_600843323409932_3278232294987303772_o.jpg]
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
(06-07-2016, 02:11 PM)Boon Wrote:
(06-07-2016, 11:54 AM)Retired@52 Wrote: Dear Chialc 88,

I invested in Best World International (BWI) because:

1) I understood how a legitimate Multi-Level-Marketing worked.
2) I saw Value in BWI in year 2009. It was traded @ $0.172 down from high of $1.16 on 25th Sept 2007 (Down by 85%) and paid dividends every year.
Since I was a Value-Investor, I bought it.

Now, I divided my holding of BWI into 5 parts and sold 4 parts of it on 8th June 2016 at $1.37 per unit. (Gain 696%).

Currently the price of BWI is $1.50 per share. Will it double to $3.00? Maybe but difficult to achieve 700% from here.

So I would like to share with you my Method:

I keep 1 part of it, which is 20% of my previous holding in BWI.

The other 4 parts are my profits. I invested them in 4 different Companies:

1. Bought Accordia Golf Trust for dividends, current yield is about 12% PA. (I understand Golf Course Business as I'm a Social Golfer for many years.)
2. Bought Hiap Seng Engineering as it has gone down by 87%, paid dividends every year.
3. Bought Falcon it has gone down by 82%,
4. Bought Ezra as it gone down by 96% from its high.

Assuming my investments in these 5 Companies in few years time turn up to be:

1. BWI doubled in value. = +100%
2. One of the Co collapsed. = -100%
3. One of the Co remain same price. = 0%
4. One of the Co double in value. = +100%
5. One multi Baggers. = +700%

(100% - 100% + 0% + 100% + 700%) divided by 5 = 160%
My opinion, split into 5 Companies to get 160% increase is safer then to rely on one company to gain 100%.

Note: All are Assumptions Only. If U don't agree is okay.

"Currently the price of BWI is $1.50 per share. Will it double to $3.00? Maybe but difficult to achieve 700% from here."

What would be the approximate revenues are we talking about under such scenarios?
From SGD 1.50 to SGD 3.00 : (+100%)
PE = 15
NPM = 12.5%
ðEPS = 3 / 15 = SGD 0.20
ðNPAT = 0.20 X 220 = SGD 44 m
ðRevenue = 44 / 0.125 = SGD 352 m
This would be achieved if BWL Taiwan could fulfill its dream of “2020 破百亿” (excluding contributions from China and other markets)
(TWD 10,000 m ~ SGD 400 m)
From SGD 1.50 to SGD 12.0 : (+700%)
PE = 15
NPM = 12.5%
ðEPS = 12 / 15 = SGD 0.80
ðNPAT = 0.80 X 220 = SGD 176 m
ðRevenue = 176 / 0.125 = SGD 1,408 m
This would be achieved if BWZ could fulfill its dream of “全美中国十年倍增不是梦,齐心齐力破百亿”. (excluding contributions from Taiwan and other markets)
(RMB 10,000 ~ SGD 2,000 m)
Hi Retired@52,
Conceptually, I do understand what you are getting at. But time line seems to be missing in your statement:
“Split into 5 Companies to get 160% increase is safer then to rely on one company to gain 100%.”
You bought BWI @ SGD 0.172 in 2009 and sold @ SGD 1.37 in 2016 – this translates into a capital gain of about 700% over a time period of roughly 7 years.
However, return as measured by IRR (excluding dividends) is only about 30% plus per annum, which could still be considered as exceptional.
What is your expected holding period to achieve your expected return of 700%, 160% or 100%, another 7 years?
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
China’s consumers
Still kicking
Despite China’s economic slowdown, consumption is resilient
Apr 30th 2016  BEIJING

Why China's consumer will continue to surprise the world

May 2015, by Jeffrey Towson and Jonathan Woetzel.

Fears about China’s slowing economy are overblown, authors Jeffrey Towson and Jonathan Woetzel argue in this adapted excerpt from the follow-up to their The One Hour China Book.

China has an awesome consumer story. Yet lately you can’t pick up a newspaper, go online, or watch television without hearing continual moaning about the country’s slowing economic growth and the need for “rebalancing.” The reality is that Chinese consumers are going to continue to increase in wealth and complexity. And if you’re worried the country’s economic importance is declining, you’re probably looking at its performance the wrong way.....................................

That’s our rant on China’s macro consumer situation. Basically, we believe it remains a great story. It may be volatile. It’s also somewhat unpredictable. But you just don’t get a consumer growth story this good anywhere else.

[Image: SVGZ_OneHourChina_ex2.ashx]
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
BEST WORLD Sees Pretty Profits, Eyeing PRC

Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
(10-07-2016, 12:27 PM)Boon Wrote:
(06-07-2016, 02:11 PM)Boon Wrote:
(06-07-2016, 11:54 AM)Retired@52 Wrote: Dear Chialc 88,

I invested in Best World International (BWI) because:

1) I understood how a legitimate Multi-Level-Marketing worked.
2) I saw Value in BWI in year 2009. It was traded @ $0.172 down from high of $1.16 on 25th Sept 2007 (Down by 85%) and paid dividends every year.
Since I was a Value-Investor, I bought it.

Now, I divided my holding of BWI into 5 parts and sold 4 parts of it on 8th June 2016 at $1.37 per unit. (Gain 696%).

Currently the price of BWI is $1.50 per share. Will it double to $3.00? Maybe but difficult to achieve 700% from here.

So I would like to share with you my Method:

I keep 1 part of it, which is 20% of my previous holding in BWI.

The other 4 parts are my profits. I invested them in 4 different Companies:

1. Bought Accordia Golf Trust for dividends, current yield is about 12% PA. (I understand Golf Course Business as I'm a Social Golfer for many years.)
2. Bought Hiap Seng Engineering as it has gone down by 87%, paid dividends every year.
3. Bought Falcon it has gone down by 82%,
4. Bought Ezra as it gone down by 96% from its high.

Assuming my investments in these 5 Companies in few years time turn up to be:

1. BWI doubled in value. = +100%
2. One of the Co collapsed. = -100%
3. One of the Co remain same price. = 0%
4. One of the Co double in value. = +100%
5. One multi Baggers. = +700%

(100% - 100% + 0% + 100% + 700%) divided by 5 = 160%
My opinion, split into 5 Companies to get 160% increase is safer then to rely on one company to gain 100%.

Note: All are Assumptions Only. If U don't agree is okay.

"Currently the price of BWI is $1.50 per share. Will it double to $3.00? Maybe but difficult to achieve 700% from here."

What would be the approximate revenues are we talking about under such scenarios?
From SGD 1.50 to SGD 3.00 : (+100%)
PE = 15
NPM = 12.5%
ðEPS = 3 / 15 = SGD 0.20
ðNPAT = 0.20 X 220 = SGD 44 m
ðRevenue = 44 / 0.125 = SGD 352 m
This would be achieved if BWL Taiwan could fulfill its dream of “2020 破百亿” (excluding contributions from China and other markets)
(TWD 10,000 m ~ SGD 400 m)
From SGD 1.50 to SGD 12.0 : (+700%)
PE = 15
NPM = 12.5%
ðEPS = 12 / 15 = SGD 0.80
ðNPAT = 0.80 X 220 = SGD 176 m
ðRevenue = 176 / 0.125 = SGD 1,408 m
This would be achieved if BWZ could fulfill its dream of “全美中国十年倍增不是梦,齐心齐力破百亿”. (excluding contributions from Taiwan and other markets)
(RMB 10,000 ~ SGD 2,000 m)
Hi Retired@52,
Conceptually, I do understand what you are getting at. But time line seems to be missing in your statement:
“Split into 5 Companies to get 160% increase is safer then to rely on one company to gain 100%.”
You bought BWI @ SGD 0.172 in 2009 and sold @ SGD 1.37 in 2016 – this translates into a capital gain of about 700% over a time period of roughly 7 years.
However, return as measured by IRR (excluding dividends) is only about 30% plus per annum, which could still be considered as exceptional.
What is your expected holding period to achieve your expected return of 700%, 160% or 100%, another 7 years?

Hi Boon, My time is about 3 to 7 years.

Btw, I'm attending a few AGMs this 2 weeks. If you are attending, I would like to meet up with you for a drink.

I'm impressed by your knowledge in the Companies.
Another excellent growth opportunity for BWI.........................

The board of directors ("Board") of Best World International Limited (the "Company" and together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") wishes to announce that on 13 July 2016, the Company’s wholly- owned subsidiary, Celcott Investments Pte. Ltd. ("CIPL"), has entered into a joint venture agreement ("JVA") with Prolife Biobank Pte. Ltd. ("JV Partner") and Celcott Biobank Private Limited ("JV Company") relating to the proposed joint venture between CIPL and the JV Partner to invest in the JV Company, which will be engaged in the business of providing stem cell banking services (including dental stem cell banking services, which involves inter alia undertaking the collection and processing of the shedded milk teeth for stem cells and the storage of such stem cells) ("Business") (the "Proposed Joint Venture"). .................................

As part of its growth strategy, the Company constantly develops new health and wellness-related products and/or services for its independent distributors and member customers in the region. In the recent years, the awareness level of storing one’s stem cells for preservation of health and improvement of quality of life is on the rise. The Company recognises this as a good growth opportunity if it is able to leverage on this trend and mobilise its growing number of independent distributors and member customers, who are trained to promote health and wellness products, to subscribe to the JV Company’s stem cell banking services and to also actively promote such stem cell banking services to their network as one of the Group’s product offerings. .......................................................
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.
[Image: 13680228_1723352041238246_3410133302847825814_o.jpg]
Research, research and research - Please do your own due diligence (DYODD) before you invest - Any reliance on my analysis is SOLELY at your own risk.

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