How the parliament debates on the Mas Selamat escape issue

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Below is a clip which I would implore all to see to the end.
It reflects the very reason WHY alot of us feel the divide between the elite civil servants and the avg Singaporeans.

Workers' Party Low Thia Kiang was involved as well.
Have a look.

(06-05-2011, 08:55 PM)arthur Wrote: Below is a clip which I would implore all to see to the end.
It reflects the very reason WHY alot of us feel the divide between the elite civil servants and the avg Singaporeans.

Workers' Party Low Thia Kiang was involved as well.
Have a look.

The Prime Minister has just apologized a few days ago. What has happened this week may have changed him for the better.
Frankly speaking, WKS was not at fault in this escape.
What kind of due diligence is required of a minister to check the security of a jailhouse?
Unless the minister has not allocated enough resources to the facility such that the users of the facility find it difficult to run the facility without shortchanging the security.

They can cut his bonus and performance but to ask a minister to resign simply because of a mistake committed by indirect subordinates, i think it is a bit too far fetched.

So, next time, if a recruit dies of heat stroke, shall the camp commander resign since he did not personally ensure every recruit is well hydrated?
Or a poly student committed suicide, shall the poly principal resign simply because the lecturer fails to take note of the student behaviour?

The housing policy sucked for the last few years.
The COE quota was wrongly estimated for last few years and the MRTs jam like hell.

Want to resign, Ah Mah and Ah Lim will rank top in the list.
(06-05-2011, 10:14 PM)Gosling Wrote: The Prime Minister has just apologized a few days ago. What has happened this week may have changed him for the better.

Apology coming at the last moment before the election votes will def smell fishy.

Not accepted.

(06-05-2011, 10:18 PM)yeokiwi Wrote: Frankly speaking, WKS was not at fault in this escape.
What kind of due diligence is required of a minister to check the security of a jailhouse?

While I wouldn't expect the minister to check the security personally, I do expect him to put in place the proper processes (& that includes audit) to close such loopholes.

The fact that it happened means that the processes aren't tight enough, and the minister should answer for it.

The puzzling thing is that despite this slip (& others), all our ministers are going to get huge bonuses this year due to our high GDP. I'm all for paying good money for talent, but this incentive structure is not right. It allows poor performers to 滥竽充数.
Quote:Apology coming at the last moment before the election votes will def smell fishy.

Not accepted.

Anyway, I also cannot accept his apology because he missed out the most important apology, at least to me. He never apologized for the massive influx of foreigners and the discriminatory government policies against Singaporeans. Why so many foreign students with mediocre results getting scholarship? Why new citizens can ride on the sacrifice of native Singaporeans who sacrificed for NS? Shouldn't we raise taxes on these new citizens and PRs as compensation?

If the PM did not apologize on the foreigner issue, does it mean he will continue the influx after the election? Will native Singaporeans become a minority in the next election? Arthur is right. Native Singaporeans do have a valid concern of becoming the minority in the next election if we do not get it right this time. Make no mistake. The new citizens will vote for ... you know who.
So what if he apologizes..

We all have to live with his party's policies MISTAKE !!!

If the management of the company I invested foul up, I am not interested in apology. What I want is that they take full responsibility and also give a full account on what happened. In my opinion, WKS did that.

WKS gave a comprehensive ministerial statement in parliament. It is a 21 page report. If you read the statement objectively, you may not conclude that he is arrogant. In fact, I like his leadership, At the same time that he acknowledged they have failed, he was trying to cheer his team. Unfortunately if you watch WKS on TV, you are unlikely to like him. He is one of those person born with a disadvantage -- he has a "lau lan" face.

As for the exchange between LTK and LHL, it was politics. LTK was trying to politicize the issue, and LHL gave a robust reply. I gave LTK full credit for not insisting that WKS should resign. An irresponsible opposition politician would have pressed for it.
When i read how the SEALs execute their mission, despite a damming unfortunate incident and last minute plan change, they executed them. Just like what happens to the Apollo mission many many years ago. There's depth in their inert ability is amazing.

The escape of Mas Selamat, just scratch the surface on our country on cosmetics performances and excuses. There is lack of depth and if such high profile case can screw-up, there will be hundreds more yet known or happen. I suspect overall weakness that do not happen in one day. If i am a shareholder, i will be concern.

In many accountable countries, not only Minister has to step down. A few civil servants have to be re-assigned.
The message has to be clear and that's how we strengthen the next generation team on Accountability and Performance Scoring.

Right now everything under the Sun is Forgiven. Who's going to work harder ?


Just my Diary


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