10-11-2013, 10:36 AM
(10-11-2013, 06:50 AM)Greenrookie Wrote: CItyfarmer,
Are you referring to the The edge, I read that article and a few questions come to my mind.
1) Why was the addidas deal, with the control of inventories, not announced through the SGX? It seem like a big deal, not a middle man but a one stop online franchise.
2) How many such "renowned" brands can Singpost put under 1 roof, will there be issues of conflict of interest between customers, as Singpost is not just a middle-man, I doubt he can have for e.g. Nike, NB, or other sports apparel franchised under the same umbrella, but this should be a small issue, since Singpost can sell other items besides sports apparel.
3) There was a mention of a online common market targeted at SMEs,any idea for it would work? For a normal consumer like me, I have limited access to suppliers, so if I(my wife) see a good deal on groupon or online, (my wife) usually start buying, I thought SMEs would have their suppliers, how big is this market is hard to fathom.
But I agree its worth a second look, as both approaches while not new, have rather targeted audience, the last time I see the numbers, they are not showing any success but the market price is up, seem like Mr market think it has more chances of working than not...
MHO, not vested
Yes, I referred to The Edge. Sorry for missing the point, the post has been updated accordingly.
Let's share views on the questions raised.
1. Disclosure is mandatory only if it exceeds a % in earning or NAV. I doubt the Adidas venture crossed that thresholds.
2. I share the same view. I doubt SingPost will attract other sport apparel brands, after the Adidas, due to conflict of interest, but it is non issue.
3. SingPost online venture is not new, the same already available online long time ago. The moat of SingPost is its logistics infrastructure especially within Singapore. The hardest part of e-commerce is to delivery the physical goods to end-users, IMO.
Same is happening in China, with Alibaba plans to spent billion on logistics infrastructure for its established e-commerce portals
(not vested)
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