Far East Orchard Limited aka Orchard Parade Holding

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certain things in life are: better see, no touch !!
I'm NOT vested in FEOrchard nor YHS.. (their Prices now: FEOrchard=$2.83, YHS=$5.28 !!! )

Each FEOrchard share ==> You get $0.12 cash + 0.229 YHS shares
for those thinking of buying FEOrchard coz you figuring that 0.229 YHS shrs be worth XX dollars !
be careful that X-dis price for FEOrchard, might correct downward by that lofty quantum (0.229 * YHS shr price),
but by the time, your a/c get credited with your ""DIS-YHS shrs"",
YHS share price would had already plunge !!.... so your 0.229 YHS shr gonna be worth very much lesser !!

YHSD shareholdings NOW => versus New YHS Shareholdings AFTER FEOrchard DIS-out-those YHS shrs to some 6000 existing FEOrchard shrhldrs
Below perhaps explain why YHS price had gone up so much... BUT should also be coming down again !!

it seem to me that YHS share price been "engineered" up by almost over 4 folds to over $5.00 now... versus ONLY $1.20 four months ago, and only $1 at start of year
BASED on YHS AR2011 as rough guide:
YHS shrs (as at Mar2012) are held by ONLY a very small number of people....
1000-to-10,000 shares range - only 351 shrhldrs with aggregate of 1.379m shrs
10,001-to-1,000,000 rs range- ONLY 143 shrhldrs with aggregate of 5.310m shrs
Above 1m shares range => there are 12 holders controlling 567.4m shrs (98.83% of listed shrs - bulk are under FE Holdings & also FEOrchard)

Implication of above: market price of YHS CAN BE EASILY Manipulated
dun know why FEOrchard taking so long to do the DIS-of-those-YHS shares !!! ,
the longer they take, the more the current market prices of YHS shrs can get manipulated.

Upcoming DIS-of- 83.298m YHS shrs by FEOrchard will create some 5900 new YHS-shrhldrs, and almost everyone of them will endup with some ODD lots shrs
Each FEOrchard share ==> You get $0.12 cash + 0.229 YHS shares

so New YHS Shrhlders: arising from DIS-of-YHS shrs to OPH Shrhldrs (Guesstimate based on OPH Shrhldrs stats as at 15-Mar2012 (OPH AR2011)
443 of them will have average of 171 YHS shrs each,
4094 of them will have average 1047 YHS shrs
1346 of them will have average 9120 YHS shrs
==> so its v. likely that many of them will be selling their newly dis-YHS shrs... they will be selling their odd lots !!!

for those thinking of buying FEOrchard coz you figuring that 0.229 YHS shrs be worth XX dollars !
be careful that X-dis price for FEOrchard, might correct downward by that lofty quantum (0.229 * YHS shr price),
but by the time, your a/c get credited with your ""DIS-YHS shrs"", YHS share price would had already plunge !!..
.... so your 0.229 YHS shr gonna be worth very much lesser !!

btw: YHS's latest strong earnings unlikely to get repeated coz property contributed a huge chunk (TOP of Jardin project in 2012-Q1),
but there will be no repeat of Jardin's TOP beyond current FY.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by money - 13-06-2012, 11:46 AM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by bluechipstamp - 13-06-2012, 02:30 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by propertyinvestor - 13-06-2012, 03:55 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by yeokiwi - 13-06-2012, 02:52 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by Nick - 13-06-2012, 04:04 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by bluechipstamp - 13-06-2012, 04:25 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by propertyinvestor - 11-07-2012, 04:13 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by ngcheeki - 11-07-2012, 08:06 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by propertyinvestor - 11-07-2012, 08:23 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by pianist - 11-07-2012, 09:26 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by propertyinvestor - 11-07-2012, 09:39 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by pianist - 11-07-2012, 09:43 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by ngcheeki - 20-07-2012, 02:31 PM
RE: Orchard Parade Holding - by pianist - 01-09-2012, 03:55 PM
RE: Far East Orchard Limited aka Orchard Parade Holding - by Vseeker - 15-10-2012, 03:41 PM

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