'Big Short' investor Michael Burry warns of a massive bubble and epic market crash

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I kinda agree with Mohammed A. El-Erian that we are at the START of a new phase of selling as we start to focus on deteriorating earnings(Walmart, Target...). Price have come down so PE is down but we have not adjusted the earnings yet. So if earnings are going to be much lower then the current PE might be still very high ...Banks will not do well even if interest rates are going up because there will be more writedowns coming. Company loan defaults, bond losses and etc...This phase we probably will see faster downside. We probably will see the main characters coming out...The main characters are Mr Circuit Breaker A, Ms Circuit Breaker B......like what you see in 2020. The market is still in its buy the dip mood with many people still doing its dollar cost averaging....I am surprised that there are inflows into Cathie Wood's Ark fund. That tells you there is more to go....

Wake me up when Mr Circuit Breaker appears......

全球經濟會不會衰退?陳鳳馨示警「明年比今年更慘」【Yahoo TV#風向龍鳳配】
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RE: 'Big Short' investor Michael Burry warns of a massive bubble and epic market crash - by Behappyalways - 22-05-2022, 01:13 PM

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