(19-09-2021, 02:42 PM)Behappyalways Wrote: For the past year, china has been kinda preparing for these events while US continues to inflate with us$120b QE. More likely that US will blow up sooner than China with tapering. A U-turn in tapering is expected once the stock market declines significantly.
Actually China has just been trying to "flatten hte curve" for their ever rising debt levels. Whilst USA debt has gone parabolic, china's debt has also grown but at a slower pace now.
This is a good article to get a rough idea. You will see is the internal debt to GDP is sky high 270% of GDP(some say not important as PBOC can control the internal markets)
but external debt by chinese companies is also pretty high in the trillions. 2.4trillions USD which is more than double the mother country's ownership of almost 1.1triilions USD treasuries. We can assume most of this external debt is directly linked to Beijing as most chinese companies borrowing globally would state owned or have many links to Beijing in some way or another.
>5.6trillion USD is owed to china, mostly by poor developing nations with corrupt govs, lots in africa, china has been trying to gain influence via extending loans. Should there be another GFC type event, much of that will have to be written off.
Evergrande may be a manageable internal shock/disturbance. But with these kind of things what may look controllable could very quickly spiral out of hand, especially if compounded by some unforseen external event like fed tapering or another energy oil crisis etc...
Virtual currencies are worth virtually nothing.