Law is not negotiable in a democracy. There is something really rotten here, what can't be ignored and has to be dealt with.
This is all a fun & an exciting game to them! They live in a video game mindset & not reality! They masked their faces so they can roam freely to create destruction without taking responsibility! They are knowingly destroying HK!!
Hong Kong Protesters beat up elderly Hong Kong Metro station managers
So-called Hong Kong journalists beat up a mainland Chinese tourist.
Hong Kong protesters harass Taiwanese reporter because he spoke Mandarin.
This is footage of Hong Kong protesters attacking middle aged passengers in Prince Edward station inside the train car with sticks and hammer 🔨 until blue shirt Uncle took hammer 🔨 away from 1 of them
Then Hong Kong Protesters proceed to spray fire extinguisher 🧯 inside train car against passengers and assaulted a girl who was filming and robbed her of her phone
One #Honhkong citizen was assaulted by #HongKongProtesters.
You know this 💩 is serious when Hong Kong protester even attacked White tourist for disagreeing with them at Tung Chung yesterday
Hong Kong protesters needed to realize that they may have really fu*ked up when even US gov Propaganda channel @VOANews had to report their acts of violence
I am trying to imagine this happening in US, but can’t because US cops would’ve shot and killed. Hong Kong police need to be commented for their restraint for not shooting Hong Kong protesters
Law is not negotiable in a democracy. There is something really rotten here, what can't be ignored and has to be dealt with.
This is all a fun & an exciting game to them! They live in a video game mindset & not reality! They masked their faces so they can roam freely to create destruction without taking responsibility! They are knowingly destroying HK!!
Hong Kong Protesters beat up elderly Hong Kong Metro station managers
So-called Hong Kong journalists beat up a mainland Chinese tourist.
Hong Kong protesters harass Taiwanese reporter because he spoke Mandarin.
This is footage of Hong Kong protesters attacking middle aged passengers in Prince Edward station inside the train car with sticks and hammer 🔨 until blue shirt Uncle took hammer 🔨 away from 1 of them
Then Hong Kong Protesters proceed to spray fire extinguisher 🧯 inside train car against passengers and assaulted a girl who was filming and robbed her of her phone
One #Honhkong citizen was assaulted by #HongKongProtesters.
You know this 💩 is serious when Hong Kong protester even attacked White tourist for disagreeing with them at Tung Chung yesterday
Hong Kong protesters needed to realize that they may have really fu*ked up when even US gov Propaganda channel @VOANews had to report their acts of violence
I am trying to imagine this happening in US, but can’t because US cops would’ve shot and killed. Hong Kong police need to be commented for their restraint for not shooting Hong Kong protesters